# 打开摄像头 capture = cv.VideoCapture(0) # 当摄像头正常打开的情况下循环执行 while capture.isOpened(): # 读取相机的每一帧 _, img = capture.read() # 统一图像大小 img = cv.resize(img, (640, 480)) try: write_XYT(XYT_path, [93,130], 140) except Exception: print("File XYT_config Error !!!") dp = np.array([[86, 31], [18, 426], [609, 427], [537, 31]]) img = calibration.Perspective_transform(dp, img) # ---------- Get Image Index -------------- img_idx = -1 with open("/home/HwHiAiUser/RobotArmProject/ros2_dofbot_formal_ws/src/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/config/data_collect_idx.txt", "r") as f: contents = f.readline() # print(type(contents)) img_idx = int(contents) stored_path = "/home/HwHiAiUser/RobotArmProject/ros2_dofbot_formal_ws/src/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/data/" + str(img_idx) + ".png" cv.imwrite(stored_path, img) with open("/home/HwHiAiUser/RobotArmProject/ros2_dofbot_formal_ws/src/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/dofbot_garbage_yolov5/config/data_collect_idx.txt", "w") as f: img_idx += 1 f.write(str(img_idx)) # ---------- Done -------------------------- break
def calibration_map(self, image,xy=None, threshold_num=130): ''' 放置方块区域检测函数 :param image:输入图像 :return:轮廓区域边点,处理后的图像 ''' if xy!=None: self.xy=xy # 机械臂初始位置角度 joints_init = [self.xy[0], self.xy[1], 0, 0, 90, 0] # REVISE # 将机械臂移动到标定方框的状态 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints_init, 500) self.image = image self.threshold_num = threshold_num # 创建边点容器 dp = [] h, w = self.image.shape[:2] # print("h",h) # 获取轮廓点集(坐标) contours = self.Morphological_processing() # 遍历点集 for i, c in enumerate(contours): # 计算轮廓区域。 area = cv.contourArea(c) low_bound = None high_bound = None if self.use_other_cam: low_bound = h * w / 2 - 40000 else: low_bound = h * w / 2 high_bound = h * w # 设置轮廓区域范围 if low_bound < area < high_bound: # 计算多边形的矩 mm = cv.moments(c) if mm['m00'] == 0: continue cx = mm['m10'] / mm['m00'] cy = mm['m01'] / mm['m00'] # 绘制轮廓区域 cv.drawContours(self.image, contours, i, (255, 255, 0), 2) # 获取轮廓区域边点 dp = np.squeeze(cv.approxPolyDP(c, 100, True)) # 绘制中心 if not self.data_collect: cv.circle(self.image, (np.int_(cx), np.int_(cy)), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) return dp, self.image def Morphological_processing(self): ''' 形态学及去噪处理,并获取轮廓点集 ''' # 将图像转为灰度图 gray = cv.cvtColor(self.image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 使用高斯滤镜模糊图像。 gray = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 1) # 图像二值化操作 ref, threshold = cv.threshold(gray, self.threshold_num, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY) # 获取不同形状的结构元素 kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) # 形态学开操作 if self.use_other_cam: blur = cv.morphologyEx(threshold, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=8) else: blur = cv.morphologyEx(threshold, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=4) # 提取模式 mode = cv.RETR_EXTERNAL # 提取方法 method = cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE # 获取轮廓点集(坐标) python2和python3在此处略有不同 # 层级关系 参数一:输入的二值图,参数二:提取模式,参数三:提取方法。 contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(blur, mode, method) return contours def Perspective_transform(self, dp, image): ''' 透视变换 :param dp: 方框边点(左上,左下,右下,右上) :param image: 原始图像 :return: 透视变换后图像 ''' if len(dp) != 4: return upper_left = [] lower_left = [] lower_right = [] upper_right = [] for i in range(len(dp)): if dp[i][0]<320 and dp[i][1]<240: upper_left=dp[i] if dp[i][0]<320 and dp[i][1]>240: lower_left=dp[i] if dp[i][0]>320 and dp[i][1]>240: lower_right=dp[i] if dp[i][0]>320 and dp[i][1]<240: upper_right=dp[i] # 原图中的四个顶点 pts1 = np.float32([upper_left, lower_left, lower_right, upper_right]) # 变换后的四个顶点 pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, 480], [640, 480], [640, 0]]) # 根据四对对应点计算透视变换。 M = cv.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) # 将透视变换应用于图像。 Transform_img = cv.warpPerspective(image, M, (640, 480)) return Transform_img
def move(self, joints, joints_down): ''' 移动过程 :param joints: 移动到物体位置的各关节角度 :param joints_down: 机械臂抬起各关节角度 ''' joints_uu = [90, 80, 50, 50, 265, self.grap_joint] # 抬起 joints_up = [joints_down[0], 80, 50, 50, 265, 30] # 移动至物体位置上方 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints_uu, 1000) sleep(1) # 开合夹爪 # for i in range(5): # self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(6, 180, 100) # sleep(0.08) # self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(6, 30, 100) # sleep(0.08) # 松开夹爪 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(6, 0, 500) sleep(0.5) # 移动至物体位置 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints, 500) sleep(0.5) # 进行抓取,夹紧夹爪 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(6, self.grap_joint, 500) sleep(0.5) # 架起 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints_uu, 1000) sleep(1) # 抬起至对应位置上方 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(1, joints_down[0], 500) sleep(0.5) # 抬起至对应位置 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints_down, 1000) sleep(1) # 释放物体,松开夹爪 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write(6, 30, 500) sleep(0.5) # 抬起 self.arm.Arm_serial_servo_write6_array(joints_up, 1000) sleep(1) def arm_run(self, name, joints): ''' 机械臂移动函数 :param name:识别的垃圾名称 :param joints: 反解求得的各关节角度 ''' # 有害垃圾--红色 if name == "Syringe" or name == "Used_batteries" or name == "Expired_cosmetics" or name == "Expired_tablets" and self.move_status == True: # 此处设置,需执行完本次操作,才能向下运行 self.move_status = False # print("有害垃圾") # print(joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], joints[4]) # 获得目标关节角 joints = [joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], 265, 30] # 移动到垃圾桶前对应姿态 # joints_down = [45, 80, 35, 40, 265, self.grap_joint] # 移动到垃圾桶位置放下对应姿态 joints_down = [45, 50, 20, 60, 265, self.grap_joint] # 移动 self.move(joints, joints_down) # 移动完毕 self.move_status = True # 可回收垃圾--蓝色 if name == "Zip_top_can" or name == "Newspaper" or name == "Old_school_bag" or name == "Book" and self.move_status == True: self.move_status = False # print("可回收垃圾") # print(joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], joints[4]) joints = [joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], 265, 30] # joints_down = [27, 110, 0, 40, 265, self.grap_joint] joints_down = [27, 75, 0, 50, 265, self.grap_joint] self.move(joints, joints_down) self.move_status = True # 厨余垃圾--绿色 if name == "Fish_bone" or name == "Watermelon_rind" or name == "Apple_core" or name == "Egg_shell" and self.move_status == True: self.move_status = False # print("厨余垃圾") # print(joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], joints[4]) joints = [joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], 265, 30] # joints_down = [152, 110, 0, 40, 265, self.grap_joint] joints_down = [147, 75, 0, 50, 265, self.grap_joint] self.move(joints, joints_down) self.move_status = True # 其他垃圾--灰色 if name == "Yellow" or name == "Cigarette_butts" or name == "Toilet_paper" or name == "Peach_pit" or name == "Disposable_chopsticks" and self.move_status == True: self.move_status = False # print("其他垃圾") # print(joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], joints[4]) joints = [joints[0], joints[1], joints[2], joints[3], 265, 30] # joints_down = [137, 80, 35, 40, 265, self.grap_joint] joints_down = [133, 50, 20, 60, 265, self.grap_joint] self.move(joints, joints_down) self.move_status = True
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