- 通过sharedTmpBuffer入参传入临时空间
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template < typename U, typename T, bool isReuseSource = false, const NormalizeConfig& config = NLCFG_NORM> __aicore__ inline void Normalize(const LocalTensor<T>& output, const LocalTensor<float>& outputRstd, const LocalTensor<float>& inputMean, const LocalTensor<float>& inputVariance, const LocalTensor<T>& inputX, const LocalTensor<U>& gamma, const LocalTensor<U>& beta, const LocalTensor<uint8_t>& sharedTmpBuffer, const float epsilon, const NormalizePara& para)
- 接口框架申请临时空间
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template < typename U, typename T, bool isReuseSource = false, const NormalizeConfig& config = NLCFG_NORM> __aicore__ inline void Normalize(const LocalTensor<T>& output, const LocalTensor<float>& outputRstd, const LocalTensor<float>& inputMean, const LocalTensor<float>& inputVariance, const LocalTensor<T>& inputX, const LocalTensor<U>& gamma, const LocalTensor<U>& beta, const float epsilon, const NormalizePara& para)
- 接口框架申请临时空间,开发者无需申请,但是需要预留临时空间的大小。
- 通过sharedTmpBuffer入参传入,使用该tensor作为临时空间进行处理,接口框架不再申请。该方式开发者可以自行管理sharedTmpBuffer内存空间,并在接口调用完成后,复用该部分内存,内存不会反复申请释放,灵活性较高,内存利用率也较高。
接口框架申请的方式,开发者需要预留临时空间;通过sharedTmpBuffer传入的情况,开发者需要为tensor申请空间。临时空间大小BufferSize的获取方式如下:通过Normalize Tiling中提供的GetNormalizeMaxMinTmpSize接口获取所需最大和最小临时空间大小,最小空间可以保证功能正确,最大空间用于提升性能。
参数名 |
描述 |
U |
beta,gamma操作数的数据类型。 |
T |
inputX操作数的数据类型。 |
isReuseSource |
当前该参数为保留参数,默认值为false。 |
config |
参数名称 |
输入/输出 |
含义 |
output |
输出 |
目的操作数,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[A, R],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。 |
outputRstd |
输出 |
标准差的倒数,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[A],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。 |
inputMean |
输入 |
均值,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[A],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。 |
inputVariance |
输入 |
方差,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[A],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。 |
inputX |
输入 |
源操作数,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[A, R],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。inputX的数据类型需要与目的操作数保持一致,尾轴长度需要32B对齐。 |
gamma |
输入 |
缩放系数,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[R],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。gamma的数据类型精度不低于源操作数的数据类型精度。 |
beta |
输入 |
平移系数,类型为LocalTensor,shape为[R],LocalTensor数据结构的定义请参考LocalTensor。beta的数据类型精度不低于源操作数的数据类型精度。 |
sharedTmpBuffer |
输入 |
共享缓冲区,用于存放API内部计算产生的临时数据。该方式开发者可以自行管理sharedTmpBuffer内存空间,并在接口调用完成后,复用该部分内存,内存不会反复申请释放,灵活性较高,内存利用率也较高。共享缓冲区大小的获取方式请参考Normalize Tiling。 类型为LocalTensor,支持的TPosition为VECIN/VECCALC/VECOUT。 |
epsilon |
输入 |
防除零的权重系数。 |
para |
输入 |
- 操作数地址偏移对齐要求请参见通用约束。
- 缩放系数gamma和平移系数beta的数据类型精度必须不低于源操作数inputX的数据类型精度。比如,inputX的数据类型是half,gamma、beta的数据类型可以是half或者float,精度不低于inputX。
- src和dst的Tensor空间不可以复用。
- 输入仅支持ND格式。
- R轴不支持切分。
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meanGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ float*)mean, this->meanRstdSize); varianceGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ float*)variance, this->meanRstdSize); gammaGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ DTYPE_GAMMA*)gamma, para.rLengthWithPadding); betaGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ DTYPE_BETA*)beta, para.rLengthWithPadding); rstdGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ float*)rstd, this->meanRstdSize); yGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ DTYPE_Y*)y, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding); // pipe alloc memory to queue, the unit is Bytes pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueX, BUFFER_NUM, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding * sizeof(DTYPE_X)); pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueMean, BUFFER_NUM, this->meanRstdSize * sizeof(float)); pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueVariance, BUFFER_NUM, this->meanRstdSize * sizeof(float)); pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueGamma, BUFFER_NUM, para.rLengthWithPadding * sizeof(DTYPE_GAMMA)); pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueBeta, BUFFER_NUM, para.rLengthWithPadding * sizeof(DTYPE_BETA)); pipe.InitBuffer(outQueueRstd, BUFFER_NUM, this->meanRstdSize * sizeof(float)); pipe.InitBuffer(outQueueY, BUFFER_NUM, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding * sizeof(DTYPE_Y)); this->epsilon = epsilon; this->para = para; } __aicore__ inline void Compute() { AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_X> xLocal = inQueueX.DeQue<DTYPE_X>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<float> meanLocal = inQueueMean.DeQue<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<float> varianceLocal = inQueueVariance.DeQue<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_GAMMA> gammaLocal = inQueueGamma.DeQue<DTYPE_GAMMA>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_BETA> betaLocal = inQueueBeta.DeQue<DTYPE_BETA>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<float> rstdLocal = outQueueRstd.AllocTensor<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_Y> yLocal = outQueueY.AllocTensor<DTYPE_Y>(); AscendC::Duplicate(rstdLocal, (float)0, this->meanRstdSize); AscendC::Duplicate(yLocal, (DTYPE_Y)0, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding); AscendC::Normalize<DTYPE_Y, DTYPE_X, false, CONFIG>(yLocal, rstdLocal, meanLocal, varianceLocal, xLocal, gammaLocal, betaLocal, epsilon, para); outQueueRstd.EnQue<float>(rstdLocal); outQueueY.EnQue<DTYPE_Y>(yLocal); inQueueX.FreeTensor(xLocal); inQueueMean.FreeTensor(meanLocal); inQueueVariance.FreeTensor(varianceLocal); inQueueGamma.FreeTensor(gammaLocal); inQueueBeta.FreeTensor(betaLocal); } __aicore__ inline void Process() { CopyIn(); Compute(); CopyOut(); } private: __aicore__ inline void CopyIn() { // alloc tensor from queue memory AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_X> xLocal = inQueueX.AllocTensor<DTYPE_X>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<float> meanLocal = inQueueMean.AllocTensor<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<float> varianceLocal = inQueueVariance.AllocTensor<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_GAMMA> gammaLocal = inQueueGamma.AllocTensor<DTYPE_GAMMA>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_BETA> betaLocal = inQueueBeta.AllocTensor<DTYPE_BETA>(); // copy progress_th tile from global tensor to local tensor AscendC::DataCopy(xLocal, xGm, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding); AscendC::DataCopy(meanLocal, meanGm, this->meanRstdSize); AscendC::DataCopy(varianceLocal, varianceGm, this->meanRstdSize); AscendC::DataCopy(gammaLocal, gammaGm, para.rLengthWithPadding); AscendC::DataCopy(betaLocal, betaGm, para.rLengthWithPadding); // enque input tensors to VECIN queue inQueueX.EnQue(xLocal); inQueueMean.EnQue(meanLocal); inQueueVariance.EnQue(varianceLocal); inQueueGamma.EnQue(gammaLocal); inQueueBeta.EnQue(betaLocal); } __aicore__ inline void CopyOut() { // deque output tensor from VECOUT queue AscendC::LocalTensor<float> rstdLocal = outQueueRstd.DeQue<float>(); AscendC::LocalTensor<DTYPE_Y> yLocal = outQueueY.DeQue<DTYPE_Y>(); // copy progress_th tile from local tensor to global tensor AscendC::DataCopy(rstdGm, rstdLocal, this->meanRstdSize); AscendC::DataCopy(yGm, yLocal, para.aLength * para.rLengthWithPadding); // free output tensor for reuse outQueueRstd.FreeTensor(rstdLocal); outQueueY.FreeTensor(yLocal); } private: AscendC::TPipe pipe; // create queues for input, in this case depth is equal to buffer num AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueX; AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueMean; AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueVariance; AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueGamma; AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueBeta; // create queue for output, in this case depth is equal to buffer num AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECOUT, BUFFER_NUM> outQueueRstd; AscendC::TQue<AscendC::QuePosition::VECOUT, BUFFER_NUM> outQueueY; AscendC::GlobalTensor<float> meanGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<float> varianceGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<DTYPE_X> xGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<DTYPE_GAMMA> gammaGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<DTYPE_BETA> betaGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<float> rstdGm; AscendC::GlobalTensor<DTYPE_Y> yGm; float epsilon; uint32_t meanRstdSize; AscendC::NormalizePara para; }; __aicore__ constexpr AscendC::NormalizeConfig GenConfig(bool isNoBeta, bool isNoGamma) { return {.reducePattern = AscendC::ReducePattern::AR, .aLength = -1, .isNoBeta = isNoBeta, .isNoGamma = isNoGamma, .isOnlyOutput = false}; } // with beta and gamma constexpr AscendC::NormalizeConfig CONFIG1 = GenConfig(false, false); constexpr AscendC::NormalizeConfig CONFIG2 = GenConfig(false, true); constexpr AscendC::NormalizeConfig CONFIG3 = GenConfig(true, false); constexpr AscendC::NormalizeConfig CONFIG4 = GenConfig(true, true); extern "C" __global__ __aicore__ void normalize_custom(GM_ADDR x, GM_ADDR mean, GM_ADDR variance, GM_ADDR gamma, GM_ADDR beta, GM_ADDR rstd, GM_ADDR y, GM_ADDR workspace, GM_ADDR tiling) { GET_TILING_DATA(tilingData, tiling); float epsilon = tilingData.espilon; AscendC::NormalizePara para(tilingData.aLength, tilingData.rLength, tilingData.rLengthWithPadding); if (TILING_KEY_IS(1)) { if (!tilingData.isNoBeta && !tilingData.isNoGamma) { KernelNormalize<CONFIG1> op; op.Init(x, mean, variance, gamma, beta, rstd, y, epsilon, para); op.Process(); } else if (!tilingData.isNoBeta && tilingData.isNoGamma) { KernelNormalize<CONFIG2> op; op.Init(x, mean, variance, gamma, beta, rstd, y, epsilon, para); op.Process(); } else if (tilingData.isNoBeta && !tilingData.isNoGamma) { KernelNormalize<CONFIG3> op; op.Init(x, mean, variance, gamma, beta, rstd, y, epsilon, para); op.Process(); } else if (tilingData.isNoBeta && tilingData.isNoGamma) { KernelNormalize<CONFIG4> op; op.Init(x, mean, variance, gamma, beta, rstd, y, epsilon, para); op.Process(); } } } |