




  • 如果模型转换时,用户设置了--dynamic_batch_size动态Batch档位参数,同时又通过--insert_op_conf参数配置了动态AIPP功能:


  • 如果模型转换时,用户设置了--dynamic_image_size动态分辨率参数,同时又通过--insert_op_conf参数配置了动态AIPP功能:


  • 如果模型转换时,用户设置了--input_shape动态shape范围参数,同时又通过--insert_op_conf参数配置了AIPP功能,则AIPP输出的宽和高要在--input_shape所设置的范围内。



    aipp_mode: dynamic
    related_input_rank: 0       # 标识对第1个输入进行AIPP处理
    max_src_image_size: 752640  # 输入图像最大的size,参数必填
    aipp_mode: dynamic
    related_input_rank: 1         # 标识对第2个输入进行AIPP处理
    max_src_image_size: 752640    # 输入图像最大的size,参数必填



typedef struct tagAippDynamicBatchPara
    int8_t cropSwitch;              //crop switch
    int8_t scfSwitch;               //resize switch
    int8_t paddingSwitch;   // 0: unable padding, 
                           // 1: padding config value,sfr_filling_hblank_ch0 ~    sfr_filling_hblank_ch2
                          // 2: padding source picture data, single row/collumn copy
                          // 3: padding source picture data, block copy
                          // 4: padding source picture data, mirror copy
    int8_t rotateSwitch;  //rotate switch,0: non-rotate,1: rotate 90°clockwise,2: rotate 180°clockwise,3: rotate 270° clockwise
    int8_t reserve[4];
    int32_t cropStartPosW;          //the start horizontal position of cropping
    int32_t cropStartPosH;          //the start vertical position of cropping
    int32_t cropSizeW;              //crop width
    int32_t cropSizeH;              //crop height
    int32_t scfInputSizeW;          //input width of scf
    int32_t scfInputSizeH;          //input height of scf
    int32_t scfOutputSizeW;         //output width of scf
    int32_t scfOutputSizeH;         //output height of scf
    int32_t paddingSizeTop;         //top padding size
    int32_t paddingSizeBottom;      //bottom padding size
    int32_t paddingSizeLeft;        //left padding size
    int32_t paddingSizeRight;       //right padding size
    int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn0;       //mean value of channel 0
    int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn1;       //mean value of channel 1
    int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn2;       //mean value of channel 2
    int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn3;       //mean value of channel 3
    uint16_t dtcPixelMinChn0;       //min value of channel 0
    uint16_t dtcPixelMinChn1;       //min value of channel 1
    uint16_t dtcPixelMinChn2;       //min value of channel 2
    uint16_t dtcPixelMinChn3;       //min value of channel 3
    uint16_t dtcPixelVarReciChn0;   //sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch0
    uint16_t dtcPixelVarReciChn1;   //sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch1
    uint16_t dtcPixelVarReciChn2;   //sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch2
    uint16_t dtcPixelVarReciChn3;   //sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch3
    int8_t reserve1[16];            //32B assign, for ub copy
typedef struct tagAippDynamicPara
    uint8_t inputFormat;        //input format:YUV420SP_U8/XRGB8888_U8/RGB888_U8
    //uint8_t outDataType; //output data type: CC_DATA_HALF,CC_DATA_INT8, CC_DATA_UINT8
    int8_t cscSwitch;               //csc switch
    int8_t rbuvSwapSwitch;          //rb/ub swap switch
    int8_t axSwapSwitch;            //RGBA->ARGB, YUVA->AYUV swap switch
    int8_t batchNum;                //batch parameter number
    int8_t reserve1[3];
    int32_t srcImageSizeW;          //source image width
    int32_t srcImageSizeH;          //source image height
    int16_t cscMatrixR0C0;          //csc_matrix_r0_c0
    int16_t cscMatrixR0C1;          //csc_matrix_r0_c1
    int16_t cscMatrixR0C2;          //csc_matrix_r0_c2
    int16_t cscMatrixR1C0;          //csc_matrix_r1_c0
    int16_t cscMatrixR1C1;          //csc_matrix_r1_c1
    int16_t cscMatrixR1C2;          //csc_matrix_r1_c2
    int16_t cscMatrixR2C0;          //csc_matrix_r2_c0
    int16_t cscMatrixR2C1;          //csc_matrix_r2_c1
    int16_t cscMatrixR2C2;          //csc_matrix_r2_c2
    int16_t reserve2[3];
    uint8_t cscOutputBiasR0;   //output bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 0, unsigned number
    uint8_t cscOutputBiasR1;   //output bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 1, unsigned number
    uint8_t cscOutputBiasR2;   //output bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 2, unsigned number
    uint8_t cscInputBiasR0;    //input bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 0, unsigned number
    uint8_t cscInputBiasR1;    //input bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 1, unsigned number
    uint8_t cscInputBiasR2;    //input bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 2, unsigned number
    uint8_t reserve3[2];
    int8_t reserve4[16];            //32B assign, for ub copy
    kAippDynamicBatchPara aippBatchPara;  //allow transfer several batch para.
} kAippDynamicPara;