- 以root用户登录环境。
- 执行如下命令,在/usr/bin/目录下创建文件msprof_data_collection.sh。
cd /usr/bin touch msprof_data_collection.sh
- 在msprof_data_collection.sh文件中添加脚本内容。
- 打开msprof_data_collection.sh文件。
chmod u+wx msprof_data_collection.sh vi msprof_data_collection.sh
- 拷贝以下代码到msprof_data_collection.sh文件中。
#!/bin/bash # This script is used to run perf/iotop/ltrace by profiling. # Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021-2021. All rights reserved. command_type=$1 command_param=$2 script_dir="/usr/bin" script_name="$(basename "$0")" reg_int='^[1-9][0-9]{,6}$|^0$' function get_version(){ if [ "${command_param}" = "perf" ] || [ "${command_param}" = "ltrace" ] || [ "${command_param}" = "iotop" ]; then "${command_param}" --version else printf "The value of the second parameter is incorrect, please enter the correct parameter, " printf "such as: perf, ltrace, iotop\n" exit 1 fi } function kill_prof_cmd(){ if [[ ${command_param} =~ ${reg_int} ]]; then ppid=`ps -o ppid= -p ${command_param}` ppid_user=$(ps -o uid -e -o pid | awk -va="${ppid}" '$2==a {print $1}') shell_user=`id -u ${SUDO_USER}` if [ "${ppid_user}" != "${shell_user}" ]; then echo "UID of ${ppid} is:${ppid_user}, UID running this script is:${shell_user}" exit 1 fi pidLine=`pstree -p ${command_param}` pidLine=`echo $pidLine | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="(" ; RS=")" } NF>1 { print $NF }'` for pid in $pidLine do kill -2 ${pid} done exit 1 else echo "Input pid:${command_param} error" exit 1 fi } #当前跑这个脚本的用户和pid进程所属的用户要一致 function check_pid(){ if [[ ! ${command_param} =~ ${reg_int} ]]; then echo "Input pid:${command_param} error" exit 1 fi params=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max) if [[ ! "$params" =~ ${reg_int} ]]; then echo "Get max_pid error" exit 1 fi if [ "${command_param}" -gt "${params}" ]; then echo "Input pid:${command_param} gt pid_max:${params}" exit 1 fi pid_user=$(ps -o uid -e -o pid | awk -va="${command_param}" '$2==a {print $1}') shell_user=`id -u ${SUDO_USER}` if [ "${pid_user}" != "${shell_user}" ]; then echo "UID of ${command_param} is:${pid_user}, UID running this script is:${shell_user}" exit 1 fi } function run_prof_trace_cmd(){ check_pid perf trace -T --syscalls -p "${command_param}" } function run_ltrace_cmd(){ check_pid ltrace -ttt -T -e pthread_attr_init -e pthread_create -e pthread_join -e pthread_mutex_init -p "${command_param}" } function run_iotop_cmd(){ check_pid iotop -b -d 0.02 -P -t -p "${command_param}" } function check_username(){ echo "${command_param}" | grep -q -E '^[ 0-9a-zA-Z./:]*$' result=$? if [ "$result" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Parameter:${command_param} is invalied!" exit 1 fi if ! id -u "${command_param}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "User:${command_param} does not exist" exit 1 fi } function get_cmd(){ params=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max) if [[ ! "$params" =~ ${reg_int} ]]; then echo "Get max_pid error" exit 1 fi digits=1 while ((${params}>10)); do let "digits++" ((params /= 10)) done compile='[1-9]' arr[0]='[0-9]' for((i=1;i<digits;i++)); do compile="${compile}[0-9]" arr[i]=${compile} done cmd="${script_dir}/${script_name} get-version perf,${script_dir}/${script_name} get-version ltrace,${script_dir}/${script_name} get-version iotop" cmd="${cmd},${script_dir}/${script_name} kill pid" for i in "${arr[@]}"; do cmd="${cmd},${script_dir}/${script_name} perf $i,${script_dir}/${script_name} ltrace $i,${script_dir}/${script_name} iotop $i" done cmd="$command_param ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:${cmd}" cmd=$(echo -e "${cmd}\nDefaults env_reset") echo "${cmd}" } function set_sudoers(){ if [ -d "/etc/sudoers.d" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/sudoers.d/${command_param}_profiling" ]; then echo "The file /etc/sudoers.d/${command_param}_profiling already exist" fi echo "${cmd}" > /etc/sudoers.d/"${command_param}"_profiling result=$? if [ "$result" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Set cmd to /etc/sudoers.d/${command_param}_profiling failed!" exit 1 else echo "The user permission have been configured successfully. You can find the configuration file /etc/sudoers.d/${command_param}_profiling" exit fi fi has_add=$(cat /etc/sudoers|grep "${script_name}"|grep "${command_param}") if [ "${has_add}" ]; then echo "The configure already exist, please confirm its content is correct" exit fi chmod u+w /etc/sudoers result=$? if [ "$result" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Permission configure failed" exit 1 fi echo "${cmd}" >> /etc/sudoers chmod u-w /etc/sudoers echo "The user permission have been configured successfully. You can find the configuration file in the /etc/sudoers." } function handle_sudoers(){ check_username get_cmd set_sudoers } function main(){ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "The number of parameters is incorrect, please enter two parameters" exit 1 fi if [ "${command_type}" = "set-sudoers" ]; then echo "Run set-sudoers cmd" handle_sudoers elif [ "${command_type}" = "get-version" ]; then #echo "Run get-version cmd" get_version elif [ "${command_type}" = "kill" ]; then #echo "kill cmd" kill_prof_cmd elif [ "${command_type}" = "perf" ]; then #echo "run perf trace cmd" run_prof_trace_cmd elif [ "${command_type}" = "ltrace" ] ; then #echo "run ltrace cmd" run_ltrace_cmd elif [ "${command_type}" = "iotop" ]; then #echo "run iotop cmd" run_iotop_cmd else printf "The value of the first parameter is incorrect, please enter the correct parameter, " printf "such as: set-sudoers, get-version, kill, perf, ltrace, iotop\n" exit 1 fi } main "$@"
- 保存退出后,执行如下命令取消msprof_data_collection.sh文件的写权限:
chmod u-w msprof_data_collection.sh
- 保证其他用户对msprof_data_collection.sh文件无写权限:
chmod o-w msprof_data_collection.sh
- 打开msprof_data_collection.sh文件。
- 执行如下命令,给安装用户运行perf,iotop,ltrace工具添加权限(以HwHiAiUser为例)。
/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh set-sudoers HwHiAiUser
- 基于安全考虑,配置完以上权限并完成相应Profiling采集后,请进行配置清除操作。
- 检查是否存在“/etc/sudoers.d/{安装用户名}_profiling”文件,若存在则删除该文件。
- 检查是否存在“/etc/sudoers”文件,若存在则:
chmod u+w /etc/sudoers vi /etc/sudoers
删除文件内如下内容:huawei ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh get-version perf,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh get-version ltrace,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh get-version iotop,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh pkill perf,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh pkill ltrace,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh pkill iotop,/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh perf [0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh ltrace [0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh iotop [0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh perf [1-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh ltrace [1-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh iotop [1-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh perf [1-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh ltrace [1-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh iotop [1-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh perf [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh ltrace [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh iotop [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh perf [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh ltrace [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],/usr/bin/msprof_data_collection.sh iotop [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] Defaults env_reset
- 执行以下命令取消“/etc/sudoers”文件的写权限:
chmod u-w /etc/sudoers
父主题: 附录