校准执行过程中提示"IfmrQuantCalibration with offset scale is illegal"或"IfmrQuantCalibration without offset scale is illegal"
- 数据范围 [-inf , +inf]:
- 场景1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I0513 16:12:37.508546 80719 ifmr_layer.cu:58] Doing layer: "Convolution1" calibration, already store 1/1 data. I0513 16:12:37.508558 80719 ifmr_layer.cu:65] Start to do ifmr quant. [ERROR][ProcessScale][48] Not support scale is +inf. [ERROR][IfmrQuantCalibration][338] IfmrQuantCalibration with offset scale is illegal. [ERROR][IfmrQuantInternel][462] IfmrQuantInternel calibration failed. F0513 16:12:37.535028 80719 ifmr_layer.cu:70] Check failed: ret == 0 (-65519 vs. 0) Do IFMR calibration failed *** Check failure stack trace: *** Aborted
- 场景2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I0513 16:14:48.173506 81053 ifmr_layer.cu:58] Doing layer: "Convolution1" calibration, already store 1/1 data. I0513 16:14:48.173519 81053 ifmr_layer.cu:65] Start to do ifmr quant. [ERROR][ProcessScale][48] Not support scale is +inf. [ERROR][IfmrQuantCalibration][359] IfmrQuantCalibration without offset scale is illegal. [ERROR][IfmrQuantInternel][462] IfmrQuantInternel calibration failed. F0513 16:14:48.199769 81053 ifmr_layer.cu:70] Check failed: ret == 0 (-65519 vs. 0) Do IFMR calibration failed *** Check failure stack trace: *** Aborted
- 场景1
- 数据范围
:(其中EPSILON包括DBL_EPSILON double类型,FLT_EPSILON float类型,当前使用的是FLT_EPSILON类型)
, 如果scale大于
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2021-05-11 09:25:42,222 - INFO - [AMCT]:[WeightsCalibrationPass]: Do layer 'Convolution1[arq_quantize]' weights calibration success! 2021-05-11 09:25:42,222 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Optimizer]: Do <class 'amct_caffe.optimizer.insert_ifmr_layer.InsertIFMRLayerPass'> 2021-05-11 09:25:42,223 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Optimizer]: Do <class 'amct_caffe.optimizer.lstm_calibration_replace.LSTMCalibrationReplacePass'> 2021-05-11 09:25:42,223 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Optimizer]: Do <class 'amct_caffe.optimizer.insert_searchn_layer.InsertSearchNLayerPass'> 2021-05-11 09:25:42,223 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Graph]: Doing whole model dump... 2021-05-11 09:25:42,225 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Utils]: The weights_file is saved in xx/data/AMCT15_CAFFE_GPU_GPU_FAQ_LEVEL1_TC_001/AMCT15_CAFFE_GPU_GPU_FAQ_LEVEL1_TC_001_tmp.caffemodel 2021-05-11 09:25:42,226 - INFO - [AMCT]:[Utils]: The model_file is saved in xx/data/AMCT15_CAFFE_GPU_GPU_FAQ_LEVEL1_TC_001/AMCT15_CAFFE_GPU_GPU_FAQ_LEVEL1_TC_001_tmp.prototxt [ERROR][ProcessScale][52] Not support scale greater than 1 / FLT_EPSILON. [ERROR][IfmrQuantCalibration][338] IfmrQuantCalibration with offset scale is illegal. [ERROR][IfmrQuantInternel][462] IfmrQuantInternel calibration failed. WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR F0511 09:25:42.292863 80432 ifmr_layer.cu:70] Check failed: ret == 0 (-65519 vs. 0) Do IFMR calibration failed *** Check failure stack trace: *** Aborted
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