
AI Core Error问题现象描述

用户在执行任务过程中出现aicore/aivector执行失败后报错退出,打屏日志错误码为EZ9999,且日志中包含“there is an xx aivec error exception”或“there is an xx aicore error exception”;或者plog日志中存在报错日志“Aicore kernel execute failed”。


   Ascend Error Message:
EZ9999: Inner Error!
EZ9999: The error from device(chipid:4, dieId:0), serial number is 2, there is an aivec error exception, core id is 11, error code = 0x10, dump info: pc start: 0x1240c46650b8, vec error info: 0xd019ddc1a, mte error info: 0x2ffeba07af, ifu error info: 0x4e5c097530000, ccu error info: 0x30c255954a000023, cude error info: 0,0, aic error mask: 0x65000020bd000288, para base: 0x1240c51b1dd0.[FUNC:ProcessStarsCoreErrorInfo][FILE:device_error_proc.cc][LINE:1100]
        TraceBack (most recent call last):
        The extend info: errcode:(0x10, 0, 0) errorStr: Illegal instruction, which is usually caused by unaligned UUB addresses, fixp_error0 info: 0xeba07af, fixp_error, mId:0, tslot:0, threadId:0, ctxid:0, blk:0, sublk:0, subErrType:4.[FUNC:ProcessStarsCoreErrorInfo][FILE:device_error_proc.cc][LINE:1112]
        Aicore kernel execute failed, device_id=4, stream_id=450, report_stream_id=2, task_id=442, flip_num=0, fault kernel_name=00_131_Grandients/Default/AddN.op56419/program id=2089, hash=16296079633597215637.[FUNC:GetError][FILE:stream.cc][LINE:1467]
        [AIC_INFO] after execute:args print end[FUNC:GetError][FILE:stream.cc][LINE:1467]
        rtStreamSynchronize execute failed, reason=[The model stream execute failed][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][FILE:error_message_manage.cc][LINE:50]
(Please search "Ascend Error Message" at https://www.mindspore.cn for error code description)
   C++ Call Stack: (For framework developers)


  • chipId、dieId:分别表示报错芯片chipId及dieid,可用于判定是否固定chipId报错;
  • core id:表示报错芯片核id,可用于判定是否在同一个core上执行报错;
  • errcodeerrorStr:分别表示AI Core Error的报错错误码、错误描述;
  • fault kernel_name/fault kernel info ext表示报错kernel名字,可用于查看报错算子。
