vLLM 0.4.2 版本昇腾框架适配说明
vllm_npu |-- __init__.py |-- attention | |-- __init__.py | |-- backends.py | |-- selector.py |-- config.py |-- core | |-- __init__.py |-- engine | |-- __init__.py | |-- ascend_engine.py | |-- async_ascend_engine.py |-- executor | |-- __init__.py | |-- ascend_executor.py | |-- ascend_ray_executor.py | |-- ray_utils.py |-- model_executor | |-- __init__.py | |-- ascend_model_loader.py | |-- layers | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- ascend_sampler.py | |-- models | |-- __init__.py | |-- ascend | |-- __init__.py | |-- mindie_llm_wrapper.py |-- npu_adaptor.py |-- usage | |-- __init__.py | |-- usage_lib.py |-- utils.py |-- worker |-- __init__.py |-- ascend_model_runner.py |-- ascend_worker.py |-- cache_engine.py
- attention模块:
重写了vLLM框架中的AttentionBackend类,对昇腾环境下对接MindIE LLM所需要的Attention计算数据以及KV Cache的shape等关键信息进行了定义,并在该模块的初始化文件中对原框架的get_atten_backend函数进行了热替换,从而使得框架在昇腾环境下会运行该模块中的attention后端类。
- engine模块:
该模块主要重写了vLLM引擎的from_engine_args函数,vLLM 0.4.2版本中引擎会通过该类方法进行实例化,并在其中根据运行环境信息选择对应的不同executor;这里加入了新的判断逻辑分支,当检测到运行在昇腾环境下时,引擎会选择vllm_npu补丁包中定义的AscendExecutor和RayAscendExecutor类分别去进行单卡推理和多卡推理。另外,这里对vllm原生框架的离线同步推理引擎LLMEngine和在线异步推理引擎AsyncLLMEngine的from_engine_args函数分别进行了重写替换,替换操作发生在该模块的初始化文件中。
- executor模块:
- model_executor模块:
- 该模块为实际对接MindIE LLM模型推理与后处理的位置,其中包括layers模块和models模块,分别对应后处理和模型推理。
在models模块中,编写了MindIELlmWrapper类,在该类中会对MindIE LLM提供的GeneratorTorch统一接口进行实例化操作,并从vLLM原生框架的数据结构中拆解出MindIE LLM所需要的模型推理参数,从而传给统一接口调用模型推理服务;另外,在进行warmup操作时使用的fake data构造操作也在该类中实现。实现代码如下所示:
class MindIELlmWrapper(nn.Module): def __init__(self, mindie_model_config, linear_method=None, lora_config=None): super(MindIELlmWrapper, self).__init__() self.mindie_model_config = mindie_model_config self.rank = mindie_model_config['rank'] self.local_rank = mindie_model_config['local_rank'] self.npu_id = self.local_rank self.world_size = mindie_model_config['world_size'] self.mindie_model = None self.sampler = None def forward( self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, kv_caches: List[KVCache], attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata, ) -> torch.Tensor: is_prompt = attn_metadata.num_prefill_tokens > 0 if kv_caches[0][0] is None: kv_caches, block_tables, slots = self.create_dummy_kv_cache(attn_metadata, input_ids) else: if is_prompt: block_tables = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.int32, device="npu") else: block_tables = attn_metadata.decode_metadata.block_tables slots = attn_metadata.slot_mapping if is_prompt: input_lengths = attn_metadata.prefill_metadata.seq_lens_tensor.to(torch.int32) max_seq_len = int(attn_metadata.prefill_metadata.seq_lens_tensor.max()) lm_head_indices = (attn_metadata.prefill_metadata.seq_lens_tensor.cumsum(dim=-1) - 1).to(torch.int64) else: input_lengths = attn_metadata.decode_metadata.seq_lens_tensor max_seq_len = attn_metadata.decode_metadata.max_seq_len lm_head_indices = None logits = self.mindie_model.forward_tensor(input_ids, positions, is_prompt, kv_caches, block_tables, slots, input_lengths, max_seq_len, lm_head_indices) return logits def compute_logits(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata) -> torch.Tensor: return hidden_states def sample( self, logits: torch.Tensor, sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata, ) -> Optional[SamplerOutput]: # hidden_states is logits next_tokens = self.sampler(logits, sampling_metadata) return next_tokens def load_weights(self, model_name_or_path: str, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, load_format: str = "auto", revision: Optional[str] = None): if load_format not in ['auto', 'safetensors', 'pt']: raise ValueError('load-format support [safetensors, pt]') self.weight_dtype = torch.get_default_dtype() torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float32) self.mindie_model = GeneratorTorch(self.mindie_model_config) self.sampler = AscendSampler(self.mindie_model) torch.set_default_dtype(self.weight_dtype) # when warmup, create dummy kvcache, block_tables, slot_mapping def create_dummy_kv_cache(self, attn_metadata, input_ids): dummy_block_num = 1 dummy_block_size = 128 model_runner = self.mindie_model.model_wrapper.model_runner kv_cache = [ ( torch.empty( (dummy_block_num, dummy_block_size, model_runner.num_kv_heads, model_runner.head_size), dtype=self.weight_dtype, device="npu", ), torch.empty( (dummy_block_num, dummy_block_size, model_runner.num_kv_heads, model_runner.head_size), dtype=self.weight_dtype, device="npu", ), ) for _ in range(model_runner.num_layers) ] max_s = max(attn_metadata.prefill_metadata.seq_lens_tensor) max_need_block = math.ceil(max_s / dummy_block_size) batch_size = len(attn_metadata.prefill_metadata.seq_lens_tensor) block_tables = torch.zeros(batch_size, max_need_block, dtype=int, device="npu") slot = [i for i in range(dummy_block_size)] slots = [] warm_up_len = len(input_ids) while warm_up_len > 0: if warm_up_len > dummy_block_size: slots.extend(slot) warm_up_len -= dummy_block_size else: slots.extend(slot[:warm_up_len]) warm_up_len = 0 slots = torch.tensor(slots, dtype=torch.long, device="npu") return kv_cache, block_tables, slots
- 在layers模块中,编写实现了AscendSampler类,进行vLLM原生框架的数据结构与模型仓底层数据结构之间的对接工作,实现代码如下所示:
class AscendSampler(nn.Module): def __init__(self, mindie_model): super().__init__() self.mindie_model = mindie_model self.include_gpu_probs_tensor = False def forward( self, logits: torch.Tensor, sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata, ) -> Optional[SamplerOutput]: _, vocab_size = logits.shape mindie_sampling_data, mindie_sampling_param = self.construct_data(sampling_metadata, vocab_size) probs = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float) logprobs = torch.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float) next_tokens = self.mindie_model.sample( logits, sampling_data=mindie_sampling_data, sampling_param=mindie_sampling_param, ) sample_results, maybe_sampled_tokens_tensor = recover_data( sampling_metadata=sampling_metadata, sampled_tokens=next_tokens, logprobs=logprobs, include_gpu_probs_tensor=self.include_gpu_probs_tensor, ) if self.include_gpu_probs_tensor: if maybe_sampled_tokens_tensor is None: raise RuntimeError("maybe_sampled_tokens_tensor is None") on_device_tensors = (probs, logprobs, maybe_sampled_tokens_tensor) else: on_device_tensors = None # Get the logprobs query results. prompt_logprobs, sample_logprobs = _get_logprobs( logprobs, sampling_metadata, sample_results) return _build_sampler_output(sample_results, sampling_metadata, prompt_logprobs, sample_logprobs, on_device_tensors=on_device_tensors) def construct_data( self, sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata, vocab_size: int, ) -> Tuple[SamplingData, SamplingParam]: all_input_tokens: List[List[int]] = [] prompt_tokens: List[List[int]] = [] output_tokens: List[List[int]] = [] top_ks: List[int] = [] temperatures: List[float] = [] top_ps: List[float] = [] min_ps: List[float] = [] presence_penalties: List[float] = [] frequency_penalties: List[float] = [] repetition_penalties: List[float] = [] sampling_seeds: List[int] = [] sample_indices: List[int] = [] do_samples: List[bool] = [] # To Do do_penalties = False do_top_p_top_k = False do_min_p = False greedy_flag = False if sampling_metadata.seq_groups is None: raise RuntimeError("sampling_metadata.seq_group is None, no data received.") for seq_group in sampling_metadata.seq_groups: do_samples.append(seq_group.do_sample) seq_ids = seq_group.seq_ids sampling_params = seq_group.sampling_params temperature = sampling_params.temperature p = sampling_params.presence_penalty f = sampling_params.frequency_penalty r = sampling_params.repetition_penalty top_p = sampling_params.top_p min_p = sampling_params.min_p is_greedy = sampling_params.sampling_type == SamplingType.GREEDY seed = sampling_params.seed if seed is None: if is_greedy: seed = 0 else: lo, hi = torch.iinfo(torch.long).min, torch.iinfo(torch.long).max seed = random.randint(lo, hi) if is_greedy: greedy_flag = True # k should not be greater than the vocab size. top_k = min(sampling_params.top_k, vocab_size) top_k = vocab_size if top_k == -1 else top_k if temperature < _SAMPLING_EPS: temperature = 1.0 if not do_top_p_top_k and (top_p < 1.0 - _SAMPLING_EPS or top_k != vocab_size): do_top_p_top_k = True if not do_min_p and min_p > _SAMPLING_EPS: do_min_p = True if not do_penalties: if abs(p) >= _SAMPLING_EPS: do_penalties = True elif abs(f) >= _SAMPLING_EPS: do_penalties = True elif abs(r - 1.0) >= _SAMPLING_EPS: do_penalties = True is_prompt = seq_group.is_prompt if (seq_group.is_prompt and sampling_params.prompt_logprobs is not None): # For tokens in the prompt that we only need to get # their logprobs query_len = seq_group.query_len if query_len is None: raise RuntimeError("query_len is None") prefill_len = len(seq_group.prompt_logprob_indices) temperatures += [temperature] * prefill_len sampling_seeds += [seed] * prefill_len top_ps += [top_p] * prefill_len top_ks += [top_k] * prefill_len min_ps += [min_p] * prefill_len presence_penalties += [0] * prefill_len frequency_penalties += [0] * prefill_len repetition_penalties += [1] * prefill_len prompt_tokens.extend([] for _ in range(prefill_len)) output_tokens.extend([] for _ in range(prefill_len)) all_input_tokens.extend([] for _ in range(prefill_len)) if seq_group.do_sample: sample_lens = len(seq_group.sample_indices) if sample_lens != len(seq_ids): raise ValueError("sample_lens != len(seq_ids)") for seq_id in seq_ids: seq_data = seq_group.seq_data[seq_id] prompt_tokens.append(seq_data.prompt_token_ids) output_tokens.append(seq_data.output_token_ids) all_input_tokens.append(seq_data.prompt_token_ids + seq_data.output_token_ids) temperatures += [temperature] * len(seq_ids) sampling_seeds += [seed] * len(seq_ids) top_ps += [top_p] * len(seq_ids) top_ks += [top_k] * len(seq_ids) min_ps += [min_p] * len(seq_ids) presence_penalties += [p] * len(seq_ids) frequency_penalties += [f] * len(seq_ids) repetition_penalties += [r] * len(seq_ids) repetition_penalties = np.array(repetition_penalties, dtype=np.float32) frequency_penalties = np.array(frequency_penalties, dtype=np.float32) presence_penalties = np.array(presence_penalties, dtype=np.float32) temperatures = np.array(temperatures, dtype=np.float32) top_ks = np.array(top_ks, dtype=np.int32) top_ps = np.array(top_ps, dtype=np.float32) sampling_seeds = np.array(sampling_seeds) do_samples = np.array(do_samples) max_tokens_len = max([len(tokens) for tokens in all_input_tokens], default=0) padded_all_input_tokens = [ tokens + [vocab_size] * (max_tokens_len - len(tokens)) for tokens in all_input_tokens ] padded_all_input_tokens = np.array(padded_all_input_tokens, dtype=np.int32) output_max_len = max([len(tokens) for tokens in output_tokens], default=0) padded_output_tokens = [ tokens + [vocab_size] * (output_max_len - len(tokens)) for tokens in output_tokens ] padded_output_tokens = np.array(padded_output_tokens, dtype=np.int32) all_input_ids_tensor = _to_tensor( padded_all_input_tokens, torch.int32 ) if padded_all_input_tokens is not None else None output_ids_tensor = _to_tensor( padded_output_tokens, torch.int32 ) if padded_output_tokens is not None else None mindie_sampling_data = SamplingData( all_input_ids=all_input_ids_tensor, output_ids=output_ids_tensor ) if greedy_flag: mindie_sampling_param = None else: mindie_sampling_param = SamplingParam.from_numpy( repetition_penalty=repetition_penalties, frequency_penalty=frequency_penalties, presence_penalty=presence_penalties, temperature=temperatures, top_k=top_ks, top_p=top_ps, seed=sampling_seeds, do_sample=do_samples, to_tensor=_to_tensor, ) return (mindie_sampling_data, mindie_sampling_param) def recover_data( sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata, sampled_tokens: np.ndarray, logprobs: torch.Tensor, include_gpu_probs_tensor: bool, ) -> Tuple[SampleResultType, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: categorized_seq_group_ids: Dict[SamplingType, List[int]] = {t: [] for t in SamplingType} categorized_sample_indices = sampling_metadata.categorized_sample_indices for i, seq_group in enumerate(sampling_metadata.seq_groups): sampling_params = seq_group.sampling_params sampling_type = sampling_params.sampling_type categorized_seq_group_ids[sampling_type].append(i) sample_results_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[List[int], List[int]]] = {} sample_metadata = {} # Create output tensor for sampled token ids. if include_gpu_probs_tensor: sampled_token_ids_tensor = torch.empty(logprobs.shape[0], 1, dtype=torch.long, device=logprobs.device) else: sampled_token_ids_tensor = None for sampling_type in SamplingType: sample_indices = categorized_sample_indices[sampling_type][:, 0] num_tokens = len(sample_indices) if num_tokens == 0: continue seq_group_id = categorized_seq_group_ids[sampling_type] seq_groups = [sampling_metadata.seq_groups[i] for i in seq_group_id] sample_metadata[sampling_type] = (seq_group_id, seq_groups) for sampling_type in SamplingType: if sampling_type not in sample_metadata: continue (seq_group_id, seq_groups) = sample_metadata[sampling_type] if sampling_type in (SamplingType.GREEDY, SamplingType.RANDOM, SamplingType.RANDOM_SEED): sample_results = normal_wrap(seq_groups, sampled_tokens) elif sampling_type == SamplingType.BEAM: sample_results = beam_wrap(seq_groups, sampled_tokens) sample_results_dict.update(zip(seq_group_id, sample_results)) sample_results = [ sample_results_dict.get(i, ([], [])) for i in range(len(sampling_metadata.seq_groups)) ] return sample_results, sampled_token_ids_tensor def normal_wrap( selected_seq_groups: List[SequenceGroupToSample], samples: np.ndarray, ): samples = samples.tolist() sample_idx = 0 results: SampleResultType = [] for seq_group in selected_seq_groups: if not seq_group.do_sample: results.append(([], [])) continue seq_ids = seq_group.seq_ids num_parent_seqs = len(seq_ids) parent_ids = list(range(num_parent_seqs)) next_token_ids = [samples[sample_idx]] results.append((next_token_ids, parent_ids)) sample_idx += num_parent_seqs return results
- 该模块为实际对接MindIE LLM模型推理与后处理的位置,其中包括layers模块和models模块,分别对应后处理和模型推理。
- usage模块:
- worker模块:
替换原生框架中CacheEngine的_allocate_kv_cache函数,主要是对生成kv_cache的数据格式进行了修改,从Torch.tensor修改为Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]。
AscendModelRunner类继承自原生框架中ModelRunner类,主要是为了对原生的load_model,execute_model和profile_run函数进行重写:vLLM新版本中执行模型调用时分为了先调用模型生成hidden_states,再使用一个process处理hidden_statesd得到logits,再进行最后的sample操作得到结果;而在MindIE模型仓中前两步操作是通过模型调用一步完成的,因此在这里进行了修改;profile_run函数的修改主要是为了构造warmup时使用的fake data。
- 多模态模型Qwen-VL支持:
为了适配多模态模型Qwen-VL的推理,需要对vLLM框架中离线推理接口类LLM的generate函数进行修改,以及对AscendModelRunner中构造warmup假数据的部分进行修改,并且自己定义了Qwen-VL的tokenizer需要的多模态输入数据格式,同时定义了一个新的MindIETokenizer类来对接MindIE LLM的前处理,具体的适配细节如下:
- 在vllm_npu/sequence.py文件中添加如下新类用于定义Qwen-VL的多模态数据。
from typing import Dict, List class MultiModalData: """Multi modal input for MindIE LLM. Args: data_list: List of input data in the format of dict. For example: [ {"image": url_of_image1}, {"image": url_of_image1}, {"text": input_prompt1}, {"text": input_prompt1} ] """ def __init__(self, data_list: List[Dict[str, str]]): self.data_list = data_list
- 在vllm_npu/transformers_utils/mindie_tokenizer.py文件中引入了新类MindIETokenizer来对接MindIE LLM的前处理。
from typing import List, Optional from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer from vllm.transformers_utils.tokenizer_group.base_tokenizer_group import ( BaseTokenizerGroup) from vllm.transformers_utils.tokenizer import get_lora_tokenizer, get_lora_tokenizer_async from vllm.lora.request import LoRARequest from atb_llm.runner.tokenizer_wrapper import TokenizerWrapper class MindIETokenizer(BaseTokenizerGroup): """A group of tokenizers that can be used for LoRA adapters.""" def __init__(self, model_path: str): self.tokenizer_wrapper = TokenizerWrapper(model_path) self.tokenizer = self.tokenizer_wrapper.tokenizer self.lora_tokenizers = None self.enable_lora = False def ping(self) -> bool: """Check if the tokenizer group is alive.""" return True def get_max_input_len(self, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """Get the maximum input length for the LoRA request.""" return 0 def encode(self, prompt: str, request_id: Optional[str] = None, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None) -> List[int]: tokenizer = self.get_lora_tokenizer(lora_request) return tokenizer.encode(prompt) async def encode_async( self, prompt: str, request_id: Optional[str] = None, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None) -> List[int]: tokenizer = await self.get_lora_tokenizer_async(lora_request) return tokenizer.encode(prompt) def get_lora_tokenizer( self, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None ) -> "PreTrainedTokenizer": if not lora_request or not self.enable_lora: return self.tokenizer if lora_request.lora_int_id not in self.lora_tokenizers: tokenizer = (get_lora_tokenizer( lora_request, **self.tokenizer_config) or self.tokenizer) self.lora_tokenizers.put(lora_request.lora_int_id, tokenizer) return tokenizer else: return self.lora_tokenizers.get(lora_request.lora_int_id) async def get_lora_tokenizer_async( self, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None ) -> "PreTrainedTokenizer": if not lora_request or not self.enable_lora: return self.tokenizer if lora_request.lora_int_id not in self.lora_tokenizers: tokenizer = (await get_lora_tokenizer_async( lora_request, **self.tokenizer_config) or self.tokenizer) self.lora_tokenizers.put(lora_request.lora_int_id, tokenizer) return tokenizer else: return self.lora_tokenizers.get(lora_request.lora_int_id)
- 在vllm_npu/entrypoints/llm.py文件里重新定义generate函数,引入多模态数据的输入接口。
import torch from typing import List, Optional, Union from vllm.lora.request import LoRARequest from vllm.outputs import RequestOutput from vllm.sampling_params import SamplingParams from vllm.transformers_utils.detokenizer import Detokenizer from vllm_npu.transformers_utils import MindIETokenizer from vllm_npu.sequence import MultiModalData def generate( self, prompts: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, sampling_params: Optional[Union[SamplingParams, List[SamplingParams]]] = None, prompt_token_ids: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, use_tqdm: bool = True, lora_request: Optional[LoRARequest] = None, multi_modal_data_list: Optional[List[MultiModalData]] = None, ) -> List[RequestOutput]: """Generates the completions for the input prompts. Args: prompts: A list of prompts to generate completions for. sampling_params: The sampling parameters for text generation. If None, we use the default sampling parameters. When it is a single value, it is applied to every prompt. When it is a list, the list must have the same length as the prompts and it is paired one by one with the prompt. prompt_token_ids: A list of token IDs for the prompts. If None, we use the tokenizer to convert the prompts to token IDs. use_tqdm: Whether to use tqdm to display the progress bar. lora_request: LoRA request to use for generation, if any. multi_modal_data_list: List of Multi modal data. Each element in this list is organized in the form of List[Dict[str, str]] Returns: A list of `RequestOutput` objects containing the generated completions in the same order as the input prompts. """ if prompts is None and prompt_token_ids is None and multi_modal_data_list is None: raise ValueError("Either prompts or prompt_token_ids of multi_modal_data must be " "provided.") if self.llm_engine.model_config.skip_tokenizer_init \ and prompts is not None: raise ValueError("prompts must be None if skip_tokenizer_init " "is True") if isinstance(prompts, str): # Convert a single prompt to a list. prompts = [prompts] if (prompts is not None and prompt_token_ids is not None and len(prompts) != len(prompt_token_ids)): raise ValueError("The lengths of prompts and prompt_token_ids " "must be the same.") if multi_modal_data_list and self.llm_engine.tokenizer is None: self.llm_engine.tokenizer = MindIETokenizer(self.llm_engine.model_config.model) self.llm_engine.detokenizer = Detokenizer(self.llm_engine.tokenizer) self.llm_engine.output_processor.detokenizer = self.llm_engine.detokenizer if prompts is not None: num_requests = len(prompts) elif multi_modal_data_list is not None: num_requests = len(multi_modal_data_list) else: assert prompt_token_ids is not None num_requests = len(prompt_token_ids) if sampling_params is None: # Use default sampling params. sampling_params = SamplingParams() elif isinstance(sampling_params, list) and len(sampling_params) != num_requests: raise ValueError("The lengths of prompts and sampling_params " "must be the same.") # Add requests to the engine. for i in range(num_requests): prompt = prompts[i] if prompts is not None else None token_ids = None if prompt_token_ids is None else prompt_token_ids[ i] if multi_modal_data_list: token_ids = self.llm_engine.tokenizer.tokenizer_wrapper.tokenize( multi_modal_data_list[i].data_list).tolist() # print(token_ids) self._add_request( prompt, sampling_params[i] if isinstance(sampling_params, list) else sampling_params, token_ids, lora_request=lora_request, # Get ith image while maintaining the batch dim. multi_modal_data=None, ) outputs = self._run_engine(use_tqdm) for output in outputs: token_ids = output.outputs[0].token_ids token_ids_tensor = torch.tensor(token_ids, dtype=torch.int64) mindie_generated_text = self.llm_engine.tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(token_ids_tensor, False) output.outputs[0].text = mindie_generated_text return outputs
- 修改vllm_npu/worker/ascend_model_runner.py文件,将其中从vLLM框架里导入的_prepare_fake_inputs去掉,重新定义该函数如下。
def _prepare_fake_inputs( seq_len: int, model_config: ModelConfig): """Prepare fake inputs for profile run.""" if getattr(model_config.hf_config, "visual", None) is not None: img_start_id = model_config.hf_config.visual["image_start_id"] img_end_id = img_start_id + 1 img_patch_id = img_start_id + 2 fake_img_token_ids = [24669, 220, 16, 25, 151857, 120, 121] + \ [img_patch_id] * 254 + [img_end_id, 198] img_token_nums = len(fake_img_token_ids) if seq_len < img_token_nums: raise ValueError(f"The number of max_model_len/max_num_seqs is smaller than the img_token_nums({img_token_nums}) of Qwen-VL.") prompt_tokens = fake_img_token_ids + \ [0] * (seq_len - img_token_nums) else: prompt_tokens = [0] * seq_len fake_image_input = None return SequenceData(prompt_tokens), fake_image_input
seq_data, fake_multi_modal_input = _prepare_fake_inputs( seq_len, self.model_config)
- 在vllm_npu/entrypoints/__init__.py中进行generate函数的替换。
from vllm_npu.entrypoints.llm import generate import vllm.entrypoints.llm as vllm_entry_llm vllm_entry_llm.LLM.generate = generate
from .mindie_tokenizer import MindIETokenizer
- 在vllm_npu/__init__.py文件中添加新模块的导入。
import vllm_npu.transformers_utils import vllm_npu.entrypoints import vllm.sequence as v_sequence v_sequence.MultiModalData = MultiModalData
- 在vllm_npu/sequence.py文件中添加如下新类用于定义Qwen-VL的多模态数据。
最后,总结对接MindIE LLM的关键部件修改的代码量,如表1所示。