

用户需要了解代码执行具体情况时,可使用thread step-over命令使用示例逐行执行以进行单步调试,或执行step in命令可进入函数内部进行调试,或可执行finish(step out)命令返回函数调用点的下一行继续调试。



thread step-over命令使用示例

  1. 将断点打在需要调试的位置,并运行。打断点的具体操作请参见断点设置
    (msdebug) r       // 运行
    Process 177943 launched: '${INSTALL_DIR}/projects/mix/matmul_leakyrelu.fatbin' (aarch64)
    [Launch of Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom on Device 1]
    Process 177943 stopped
    [Switching to focus on Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom, CoreId 44, Type aiv]
    * thread #1, name = 'matmul_leakyrel', stop reason = breakpoint 1.2
        frame #0: 0x000000000000f01c device_debugdata`_ZN17MatmulLeakyKernelIDhDhffE10CalcOffsetEiiRK11TCubeTilingRiS4_S4_S4__mix_aiv(this=0x0000000000217b60, blockIdx=0, usedCoreNum=2, tiling=0x0000000000217e28, offsetA=0x00000000002175c8, offsetB=0x00000000002175c4, offsetC=0x00000000002175c0, offsetBias=0x00000000002175bc) at matmul_leakyrelu_kernel.cpp:129:15
       127      offsetA = mCoreIndx * tiling.Ka * tiling.singleCoreM;
       128      offsetB = nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;             
    -> 129      offsetC = mCoreIndx * tiling.N * tiling.singleCoreM + nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;        //断点位置
       130      offsetBias = nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;
       131  }
  2. 输入next或n命令后,开始单步执行。
    (msdebug) n
    Process 177943 stopped
    [Switching to focus on Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom, CoreId 44, Type aiv]
    * thread #1, name = 'matmul_leakyrel', stop reason = step over   //   通过回显可查看pc的位置,表示单步成功 
        frame #0: 0x000000000000f048 device_debugdata`_ZN17MatmulLeakyKernelIDhDhffE10CalcOffsetEiiRK11TCubeTilingRiS4_S4_S4__mix_aiv(this=0x0000000000217b60, blockIdx=0, usedCoreNum=2, tiling=0x0000000000217e28, offsetA=0x00000000002175c8, offsetB=0x00000000002175c4, offsetC=0x00000000002175c0, offsetBias=0x00000000002175bc) at matmul_leakyrelu_kernel.cpp:130:18
       127      offsetA = mCoreIndx * tiling.Ka * tiling.singleCoreM;
       128      offsetB = nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;
       129      offsetC = mCoreIndx * tiling.N * tiling.singleCoreM + nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;
    -> 130      offsetBias = nCoreIndx * tiling.singleCoreN;
       131  }
  3. 输入ascend info cores命令,查看所有核的PC信息和停止原因 。
    (msdebug) ascend info cores
      CoreId  Type  Device Stream Task Block         PC               stop reason
       12     aic      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f03b0         breakpoint 1.2
    *  44     aiv      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f8048         step over               //* 代表当前正在运行的核
       45     aiv      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f801c         breakpoint 1.2
    • 当前核的停止原因既有单步调试又有断点时,将展示为breakpoint。
    • 若运行程序出现卡顿的现象,可以通过键盘输入“CTRL+C”中断运行程序 。运行卡顿的原因可能是以下情况:
      • 用户程序本身存在死循环,需要通过修复程序解决。
      • 算子使用了同步类指令。
  4. 调试完以后,执行q命令并输入Y或y结束调试。
    (msdebug) q
    Quitting LLDB will kill one or more processes. Do you really want to proceed: [Y/n] y

thread step-in和thread step-out命令使用示例

  1. 将断点打在需要调试的位置,并运行。打断点的具体操作请参见断点设置
    (msdebug) r                // 运行
    Process 180938 launched: '${INSTALL_DIR}/test/mstt/sample/normal_sample/mix/matmul_leakyrelu.fatbin' (aarch64)
    [Launch of Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom on Device 1]
    Process 180938 stopped
    [Switching to focus on Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom, CoreId 46, Type aiv]
    * thread #1, name = 'matmul_leakyrel', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
        frame #0: 0x000000000000e948 device_debugdata`_ZN17MatmulLeakyKernelIDhDhffE7ProcessEPN7AscendC5TPipeE_mix_aiv(this=0x000000000021fb60, pipe=0x000000000021f6a8) at matmul_leakyrelu_kernel.cpp:83:9
       80       while (matmulObj.template Iterate<true>()) {
       81           MatmulCompute();
       82           LeakyReluCompute();
    -> 83           CopyOut(computeRound);
       84           computeRound++;
       85       }
       86       matmulObj.End();
  2. 用户输入step或s后,开始进入函数内部进行执行。
    (msdebug) s
    Process 180938 stopped
    [Switching to focus on Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom, CoreId 46, Type aiv]
    * thread #1, name = 'matmul_leakyrel', stop reason = step in
        frame #0: 0x000000000000febc device_debugdata`_ZN17MatmulLeakyKernelIDhDhffE7CopyOutEj_mix_aiv(this=0x000000000021fb60, count=0) at matmul_leakyrelu_kernel.cpp:106:5
       103  template <typename aType, typename bType, typename cType, typename biasType>
       104  __aicore__ inline void MatmulLeakyKernel<aType, bType, cType, biasType>::CopyOut(uint32_t count)
       105  {
    -> 106      reluOutQueue_.DeQue<cType>();
       107      const uint32_t roundM = tiling.singleCoreM / tiling.baseM;
       108      const uint32_t roundN = tiling.singleCoreN / tiling.baseN;
       109      uint32_t startOffset = (count % roundM * tiling.baseM * tiling.N + count / roundM * tiling.baseN);
  3. 输入ascend info cores命令,查看所有核的PC信息和停止原因 。
    (msdebug) ascend info cores
      CoreId  Type  Device Stream Task Block         PC               stop reason
       13     aic      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f1f88         breakpoint 1.1
    *  46     aiv      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f8ebc         step in          //*代表当前正在运行的核
       47     aiv      1     3     0     0     0x12c0c00f8d3c         breakpoint 1.1


  4. 调试完copyout函数后,运行finish或step out命令退出copyout函数,并返回主程序继续执行。
    (msdebug) finish
    Process 180938 stopped
    [Switching to focus on Kernel matmul_leakyrelu_custom, CoreId 46, Type aiv]
    * thread #1, name = 'matmul_leakyrel', stop reason = step out
        frame #0: 0x000000000000e950 device_debugdata`_ZN17MatmulLeakyKernelIDhDhffE7ProcessEPN7AscendC5TPipeE_mix_aiv(this=0x000000000021fb60, pipe=0x000000000021f6a8) at matmul_leakyrelu_kernel.cpp:84:21
       81           MatmulCompute();
       82           LeakyReluCompute();
       83           CopyOut(computeRound);
    -> 84           computeRound++;
       85       }
       86       matmulObj.End();
       87   }