使用昇腾模型压缩工具调用quantize_model接口对用户的原始TensorFlow模型进行图修改时,由于插入了searchN层导致尾层输出节点发生改变。该场景下,需要用户根据提示信息,将推理时的输出节点替换为新的输出节点的名称;昇腾模型压缩工具量化过程中的日志信息给出了网络输出节点变化前后的节点名称,需要用户根据提示信息, 自行修改量化脚本。
- 场景1:网络模型的尾层为ADD/ADDV2,且ADD加数的维度为一维,满足biasadd的功能
图1 尾层为ADD/ADDV2
- 尾层为Add时,图修改时的提示信息为:
2020-09-01 09:31:04,896 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[replace_add_pass]: Replace ADD at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'Add:0' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'bias_add/BiasAdd:0' 2020-09-01 09:31:04,979 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'bias_add/BiasAdd:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
- 尾层为AddV2时,图修改时的提示信息为:
2020-09-01 09:32:42,281 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[replace_add_pass]: Replace ADD at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'add:0' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'bias_add/BiasAdd:0' 2020-09-01 09:32:42,362 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'bias_add/BiasAdd:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
- 尾层为Add时,图修改时的提示信息为:
- 场景2:网络的尾层为BiasAdd,且其前面为Conv2D、DepthwiseConv2dNative、Conv2DBackpropInput、MatMul中的一种
图2 网络的尾层为BiasAdd,且其前面为Conv2D
2020-09-01 09:39:26,130 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'BiasAdd:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
- 场景3:网络的尾层为Conv2D、DepthwiseConv2dNative、Conv2DBackpropInput、MatMul、AvgPool中的一种
图3 网络的尾层为Conv2D
2020-09-01 09:40:28,717 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'Conv2D:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
- 场景4:网络的尾层为FusedBatchNorm\FusedBatchNormV2\FusedBatchNormV3中的一种,且其前面为Conv2D+(BiasAdd)或DepthwiseConv2dNative+(BiasAdd)
图4 尾层为FusedBatchNormV3
2020-09-01 09:44:08,637 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[conv_bn_fusion_pass]: Fused BN at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'batch_normalization/FusedBatchNormV3:0' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'bias_add:0' 2020-09-01 09:44:08,717 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'bias_add:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
- 场景5:网络的尾层为BN小算子结构,且其输入的为4维数据
图5 尾层为BN小算子结构
2020-09-01 09:46:46,426 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[replace_bn_pass]: Replace BN at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'batch_normalization/batchnorm/add_1:0' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'batch_normalization/batchnorm/bn_replace/batch_normalization/FusedBatchNormV3:0' 2020-09-01 09:46:46,439 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[conv_bn_fusion_pass]: Fused BN at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'batch_normalization/batchnorm/bn_replace/batch_normalization/FusedBatchNormV3:0' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'bias_add:0' 2020-09-01 09:46:46,518 - WARNING - [AMCT]:[quantize_model]: Insert searchN operator at the end of the network! You need to replace the old output node by the new output node in inference process! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The name of the old output node is 'bias_add:0' //网络输出节点变化前的节点名称 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The name of the new output node is 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' //网络输出节点变化后的节点名称
import tensorflow as tf import amct_tensorflow as amct def load_pb(model_name): with tf.gfile.GFile(model_name, "rb") as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString(f.read()) tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') def main(): # 网络pb文件的名字 model_name = './pb_model/case_1_1.pb' # 网络量化推理输出节点的名字 infer_output_name = 'Add:0' # 网络保存量化模型的输出节点的名字 save_output_name = 'Add:0' # 载入网络的pb文件 load_pb(model_name) # 获取网络的图结构 graph = tf.get_default_graph() # 生成量化配置文件 amct.create_quant_config( config_file='./configs/config.json', graph=graph) # 插入量化相关算子 amct.quantize_model( graph=graph, config_file='./configs/config.json', record_file='./configs/record_scale_offset.txt') # 执行网络的推理过程 with tf.Session() as sess: output_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(infer_output_name) sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) sess.run(output_tensor) # 保存量化后的pb模型文件 amct.save_model( pb_model=model_name, outputs=[save_output_name[:-2]], record_file='./configs/record_scale_offset.txt', save_path='./pb_model/case_1_1') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import tensorflow as tf import amct_tensorflow as amct def load_pb(model_name): with tf.gfile.GFile(model_name, "rb") as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString(f.read()) tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') def main(): # 网络pb文件的名字 model_name = './pb_model/case_1_1.pb' # 网络量化推理输出节点的名字,需要替换为日志打印的网络输出节点变化后的节点名称 infer_output_name = 'search_n_quant/search_n_quant_SEARCHN/Identity:0' # 网络保存量化模型的输出节点的名字 save_output_name = 'Add:0' # 载入网络的pb文件 load_pb(model_name) # 获取网络的图结构 graph = tf.get_default_graph() # 生成量化配置文件 amct.create_quant_config( config_file='./configs/config.json', graph=graph) # 插入量化相关算子 amct.quantize_model( graph=graph, config_file='./configs/config.json', record_file='./configs/record_scale_offset.txt') # 执行网络的推理过程 with tf.Session() as sess: output_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(infer_output_name) sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) sess.run(output_tensor) # 保存量化后的pb模型文件 amct.save_model( pb_model=model_name, outputs=[save_output_name[:-2]], record_file='./configs/record_scale_offset.txt', save_path='./pb_model/case_1_1') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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