- 单击Link获取样例工程,为进行算子调试做准备。
- 此样例工程仅支持Python3.9,若要在其他Python版本上运行,需要修改${install_path}/samples/operator/ascendc/0_introduction/1_add_frameworklaunch/PytorchInvocation目录下run_op_plugin.sh文件中的Python版本。
- 下载代码样例时,需执行以下命令指定分支版本。
git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/samples.git -b v0.2-8.0.0.beta1
- 已参考《Ascend Extension for PyTorch 配置与安装》,完成PyTorch框架和torch_npu插件的安装。
- 参考使用前准备完成相关环境变量配置。
- 执行以下命令,可生成自定义算子工程,并提供了host侧和kernel侧的算子实现。
bash install.sh -v Ascendxxxyy # xxxyy为用户实际使用的具体芯片类型
- 在${install_path}/samples/operator/ascendc/0_introduction/1_add_frameworklaunch/CustomOp目录下修改CMakePresets.json文件的cacheVariables的配置项,将"Release"修改为"Debug"。
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"cacheVariables": { "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": { "type": "STRING", "value": "Debug" },
- 参考算子编译部署,完成算子的编译部署。
- 进入PyTorch接入工程,使用PyTorch调用方式调用AddCustom算子工程,并按照指导完成编译。
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PytorchInvocation ├── op_plugin_patch ├── run_op_plugin.sh // 5.执行样例时,需要使用 ├── test_ops_custom_register_in_graph.py // 执行torch.compile模式下用例脚本 └── test_ops_custom.py // 步骤7启动工具时,需要使用
- 执行样例,样例执行过程中会自动生成测试数据,然后运行PyTorch样例,最后检验运行结果。
bash run_op_plugin.sh -- CMAKE_CCE_COMPILER: ${INSTALL_DIR}/toolkit/tools/ccec_compiler/bin/ccec -- CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR: ${INSTALL_DIR}/AddKernelInvocation/cmake/Modules -- ASCEND_PRODUCT_TYPE: ascendxxxyy -- ASCEND_CORE_TYPE: VectorCore -- ASCEND_INSTALL_PATH: /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.3.1 -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: ${INSTALL_DIR}/AddKernelInvocation/build Scanning dependencies of target add_npu ... [100%] Built target add_npu INFO: Ascend C Add Custom SUCCESS ... INFO: Ascend C Add Custom in torch.compile graph SUCCESS
- 手动导入算子调试信息。
- ${INSTALL_DIR}请替换为CANN软件安装后文件存储路径。若安装的Ascend-cann-toolkit软件包,以root安装举例,则安装后文件存储路径为:/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest。
Atlas A3 训练系列产品 在安装昇腾AI处理器的服务器执行npu-smi info命令进行查询,获取Chip Name信息。实际配置值为AscendChip Name,例如Chip Name取值为xxxyy,实际配置值为Ascendxxxyy。当Ascendxxxyy为代码样例的路径时,需要配置为ascendxxxyy。
(msdebug)export LAUNCH_KERNEL_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/opp/vendors/customize/op_impl/ai_core/tbe/kernel/SOC_VERSION/add_custom/AddCustom_1e04ee05ab491cc5ae9c3d5c9ee8950b.o
- 启动msDebug工具拉起Python程序,进入调试界面。
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msdebug python3 test_ops_custom.py (msdebug) target create "python3" Current executable set to '/home/mindstudio/miniconda3/envs/py37/bin/python3' (aarch64). (msdebug) settings set -- target.run-args "test_ops_custom.py" (msdebug)
- 设置断点。根据指定源码文件与对应行号,在核函数中设置NPU断点。
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(msdebug) b add_custom.cpp:60 Breakpoint 1: where = AddCustom_1e04ee05ab491cc5ae9c3d5c9ee8950b.o`::AddCustom_1e04ee05ab491cc5ae9c3d5c9ee8950b_1(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *) + 9912 [inlined] KernelAdd::Compute(int) + 3400 at add_custom.cpp:60:9, address = 0x00000000000026b8
- 运行程序,等待直到命中断点。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(msdebug) r Process 197189 launched: '/home/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin/python3' (aarch64) Process 197189 stopped and restarted: thread 1 received signal: SIGCHLD ... [Launch of Kernel anonymous on Device 0] Process 197189 stopped [Switching to focus on Kernel anonymous, CoreId 8, Type aiv] * thread #1, name = 'python3', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1 frame #0: 0x00000000000026b8 AddCustom_1e04ee05ab491cc5ae9c3d5c9ee8950b.o`::AddCustom_1e04ee05ab491cc5ae9c3d5c9ee8950b_1(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *) [inlined] KernelAdd::Compute(this=0x000000000020efb8, progress=1) at add_custom.cpp:60:9 57 LocalTensor<DTYPE_Y> yLocal = inQueueY.DeQue<DTYPE_Y>(); 58 LocalTensor<DTYPE_Z> zLocal = outQueueZ.AllocTensor<DTYPE_Z>(); 59 Add(zLocal, xLocal, yLocal, this->tileLength); -> 60 outQueueZ.EnQue<DTYPE_Z>(zLocal); 61 inQueueX.FreeTensor(xLocal); 62 inQueueY.FreeTensor(yLocal); 63 } (msdebug)
- 删除断点,具体操作请参见删除断点。
- 调试完以后,执行q命令并输入Y或y结束调试。
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(msdebug) q Quitting LLDB will kill one or more processes. Do you really want to proceed: [Y/n] y
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