LLaMA2 7B-PyTorch




LLAMA2-7B 训练的硬件配置:

硬件 配置
NPU 8 x Ascend NPUs


  1. 拷贝代码仓到本地服务器

    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/AscendSpeed.git 
    cd AscendSpeed 
    mkdir logs
    mkdir ckpt
  2. 搭建环境

    # python3.8
    conda create -n test python=3.8
    conda activate test
    # 安装 torch 和 torch_npu
    pip install torch-2.1.0-cp38-cp38m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
    pip install torch_npu-2.1.0*-cp38-cp38m-linux_aarch64.whl
    pip install apex-0.1_ascend*-cp38-cp38m-linux_aarch64.whl
    # 安装 megatron-core
    pip3 install --no-use-pep517 -e git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/Megatron-LM.git@23.05#egg=megatron-core
    # 安装 deepspeed 和 deepspeed_npu
    pip install deepspeed==0.9.2
    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/DeepSpeed.git -b v0.9.2 deepspeed_npu
    cd deepspeed_npu
    pip3 install -e ./
    cd ..
    # install other packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. 下载 LLAMA2-7B 的 预训练权重和词表

      mkdir -p llama-2-7b-hf
      cd llama-2-7b-hf
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/config.json
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/generation_config.json
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00001-of-00002.bin
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00002-of-00002.bin
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model.bin.index.json
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/special_tokens_map.json
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/tokenizer.json
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/tokenizer.model
      wget https://huggingface.co/daryl149/llama-2-7b-hf/resolve/main/tokenizer_config.json
      cd ..

    将权重从 huggingface 格式转化为 AscendSpeed 格式 : PTD模式

     # 修改 ascend-toolkit 路径
     source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh
     # 权重格式转换
     python tools/ckpt_convert/llama/convert_weights_from_huggingface.py --input-model-dir llama-2-7b-hf \
                                                                         --output-model-dir ./llama2-7b-tp8pp1 \
                                                                         --tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
                                                                         --pipeline-model-parallel-size 1 \
                                                                         --type 7B \
  4. 预训练

    4.1 准备数据集

    下载 LLaMA2-7B 数据集

      # 下载数据
      mkdir dataset_llama2
      cd ./dataset_llama2
      wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca/resolve/main/data/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet
      cd ..
      # 处理数据                           
      python ./tools/preprocess_data.py \
        --input ./dataset_llama2/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet \
        --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama-2-7b-hf \
        --output-prefix ./dataset_llama2/alpaca \
        --workers 4 \
        --log-interval 1000 \
        --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF

    4.2 用ptd模式预训练 配置LLaMA2-7B PTD 预训练脚本: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_7b_ptd.sh

     # 设置 ascend-toolkit 路径
     source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 
     # 根据实际情况配置词表、数据集、模型参数加载和保存路径
     LOAD_CHECKPOINT_PATH="your init model load path"
     SAVE_CHECKPOINT_PATH="your model ckpt save path"
     TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama-2-7b-hf/  #词表路径
     DATA_PATH=./dataset_llama2/alpaca_text_document  #数据集路径

    启动 LLaMA2-7B PTD预训练脚本: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_7b_ptd.sh

     bash examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_7b_ptd.sh 
  5. 微调

    5.1 准备微调数据集 下载微调数据集 这里

    # 下载数据集
    mkdir finetune_dataset
    cd ./finetune_dataset
    wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca/resolve/main/data/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet
    cd ..
    # 处理微调数据集                            
    python ./tools/preprocess_data.py \
      --input ./dataset_llama2/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet \
      --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama-2-7b-hf \
      --output-prefix ./finetune_dataset/alpaca \
      --workers 4 \
      --log-interval 1000 \
      --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF \
      --handler-name GeneralInstructionHandler \

    5.2 全参微调 全参微调的配置脚本基本和预训练脚本pretrain_llama2_7b_ptd.sh一致. 区别是数据集,以及增加训练参数--is-instruction-dataset

    --is-instruction-dataset \

    5.3 Lora微调 Lora微调的脚本配置是在预训练脚本pretrain_llama2_7b_ptd.sh基础上加上lora参数,如下所示:

        --lora-target-modules query_key_value dense proj dense_4h_to_h \
        --lora-r 16 \
        --lora-alpha 32 \


      --lora-modules-to-save word_embeddings output_layer \


        --load ${ORIGIN_CHECKPOINT}  \   # 原始模型参数路径
        --lora-load ${LORA_CHECKPOINT} \   # lora参数checkpoint



LLaMA2-7B 在 昇腾芯片参考芯片 上的性能对比:

设备 模型 迭代数 样本吞吐 (samples/step) tokens吞吐 (tokens/s/p) 单步迭代时间 (s/step) 浮点计算数 (TFLOPs/s)
NPUs LLaMA2-7B 1024 5.19 2662 3.08 122.39
参考 LLaMA2-7B 1024 5.63 2884 2.84 131.96


NPU vs 参考 loss,相对误差:0.23%<2%



NPU-LOSS and NPU-Absolute-Error


配置llama2-7B 推理脚本: examples/llama2/generate_llama2_7b_ptd.sh

# 设置 ascend-toolkit 路径
source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 
# 修改模型路径和词表路径
TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama2-7b-hf/  #词表路径
CHECKPOINT=./llama2-7b-tp8pp1  #模型路径

启动llama2-7B 推理脚本: examples/llama2/generate_llama2_7b_ptd.sh

bash examples/llama2/generate_llama2_7b_ptd.sh


1. If you want to quit, please entry one of [q, quit, exit]
2. To create new title, please entry one of [clear, new]

You >> how are you?


I am doing well, thank you for asking! It's always nice to connect with someone new. How about you?

You >> Give three tips for staying healthy.


1. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
2. Exercise regularly, even if it's just a short walk or some light stretching.
3. Get plenty of sleep and aim for 7-8 hours of rest each night.

You >> How can we reduce air pollution?


Air pollution is a major environmental issue that can have serious health and economic consequences. To reduce air pollution, we need to take a multi-faceted approach that includes individual and collective action. Here are some ways to reduce air pollution:
1. Reduce the use of fossil fuels: Fossil fuels are a major source of air pollution, so reducing their use is an effective way to reduce air pollution. This can be done by switching to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal.
2. Use public transportation: Taking public transportation instead of driving can reduce air pollution. This is because public transportation produces fewer emissions than private vehicles.
3. Drive less: Reducing the number of trips taken by car can help reduce air pollution. This can be done by carpooling, biking, or walking when possible.
4. Plant trees: Planting trees can help reduce air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Trees also provide shade and cool the air, which can reduce the need for air conditioning.
5. Use natural air fresheners: Instead

You >> Any more suggestions, please go ahead and list

6. Avoid burning wood or other materials: Burning wood or other materials releases harmful pollutants into the air. Avoid burning materials such as wood, coal, or other materials that release pollutants.
7. Improve indoor air quality: Poor indoor air quality can contribute to air pollution. Improve indoor air quality by using a HEPA air purifier, avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, and using natural air fresheners.
8. Educate yourself and others: Educating yourself and others about air pollution and its effects can help reduce air pollution. Share information with friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of reducing air pollution.
9. Support government policies: Supporting government policies that promote clean energy and reduce air pollution can help reduce air pollution.
10. Participate in local clean-up initiatives: Participating in local clean-up initiatives can help reduce air pollution by removing pollutants from the environment.
11. Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Using eco-friendly cleaning products can help reduce air pollution. These products are designed to

You >>


使用 MMLU数据集评估模型. 数据集下载路径 这里. 配置llama2-7B 评估脚本: tasks/evaluation/evaluate_llama2_7B_ptd.sh

# ascend-toolkit 路径
source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 

# 修改模型参数路径和词表路径
TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama2-7b-hf/  #词表路径
CHECKPOINT=./llama2-7b-tp8pp1  #模型路径
# 配置任务和数据集路径


bash tasks/evaluation/evaluate_llama2_7B_ptd.sh


                           学科名             问题数  参考准确率 NPU准确率     准确率差异
17                     public_relations         110  0.563636  0.554545      0.009091
44                         econometrics         114  0.368421  0.377193      0.008772
30               electrical_engineering         145  0.503448  0.510345      0.006897
5                       world_religions         171  0.701754  0.707602      0.005848
25               high_school_us_history         204  0.647059  0.651961      0.004902
45                          human_aging         223  0.596413  0.600897      0.004484
38                            marketing         234  0.709402  0.713675      0.004274
55            high_school_world_history         237  0.620253  0.624473      0.004219
31           high_school_microeconomics         238  0.420168  0.424370      0.004202
7                             nutrition         306  0.503268  0.500000      0.003268
56                  high_school_biology         310  0.541935  0.545161      0.003226
20                           philosophy         311  0.569132  0.565916      0.003215
24               elementary_mathematics         378  0.291005  0.293651      0.002646
22               high_school_psychology         545  0.645872  0.647706      0.001835
12                     professional_law        1534  0.339635  0.340939      0.001304
13                        miscellaneous         783  0.679438  0.678161      0.001277
6                       moral_scenarios         895  0.221229  0.222346      0.001117
37  high_school_government_and_politics         193  0.694301  0.694301      0.000000
54                           prehistory         324  0.555556  0.555556      0.000000
53                    us_foreign_policy         100  0.700000  0.700000      0.000000
39                high_school_geography         198  0.626263  0.626263      0.000000
40                     security_studies         245  0.522449  0.522449      0.000000
41                high_school_chemistry         203  0.408867  0.408867      0.000000
52                   clinical_knowledge         265  0.513208  0.513208      0.000000
49              professional_psychology         612  0.482026  0.482026      0.000000
42                           management         103  0.679612  0.679612      0.000000
43                        jurisprudence         108  0.583333  0.583333      0.000000
51                    computer_security         100  0.560000  0.560000      0.000000
50                   conceptual_physics         235  0.417021  0.417021      0.000000
35                      human_sexuality         131  0.526718  0.526718      0.000000
46                             virology         166  0.439759  0.439759      0.000000
47                       moral_disputes         346  0.514451  0.514451      0.000000
48                              anatomy         135  0.459259  0.459259      0.000000
36                      college_physics         102  0.215686  0.215686      0.000000
0            high_school_macroeconomics         390  0.420513  0.420513      0.000000
34                  high_school_physics         151  0.311258  0.311258      0.000000
33             college_computer_science         100  0.420000  0.420000      0.000000
2                     international_law         121  0.636364  0.636364      0.000000
3                   college_mathematics         100  0.330000  0.330000      0.000000
4                      college_medicine         173  0.410405  0.410405      0.000000
8                high_school_statistics         216  0.314815  0.314815      0.000000
9                      medical_genetics         100  0.450000  0.450000      0.000000
10                    college_chemistry         100  0.290000  0.290000      0.000000
11              professional_accounting         282  0.411348  0.411348      0.000000
14                            sociology         201  0.601990  0.601990      0.000000
15                professional_medicine         272  0.452206  0.452206      0.000000
16                    logical_fallacies         163  0.521472  0.521472      0.000000
18                      college_biology         144  0.506944  0.506944      0.000000
19         high_school_european_history         165  0.575758  0.575758      0.000000
21                     abstract_algebra         100  0.280000  0.280000      0.000000
23         high_school_computer_science         100  0.430000  0.430000      0.000000
26                     machine_learning         112  0.375000  0.375000      0.000000
27                            astronomy         152  0.500000  0.500000      0.000000
1                          formal_logic         126  0.222222  0.222222      0.000000
29              high_school_mathematics         270  0.259259  0.259259      0.000000
32                      business_ethics         100  0.450000  0.450000      0.000000
28                         global_facts         100  0.380000  0.380000      0.000000
数据集 总学科数 总问题数 参考准确率 NPU准确率
MMLU 57 14042 0.4691 0.4698



LLaMA2-13B 训练的硬件配置:

硬件 配置
NPU 8 x Ascend NPUs


  1. 拷贝代码仓到本地服务器

    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/AscendSpeed.git 
    cd AscendSpeed 
    mkdir logs
    mkdir ckpt
  2. 搭建环境

    # python3.8
    conda create -n test python=3.8
    conda activate test
    # 安装 torch 和 torch_npu
    pip install torch-2.1.0-cp38-cp38m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
    pip install torch_npu-2.1.0*-cp38-cp38m-linux_aarch64.whl
    pip install apex-0.1_ascend*-cp38-cp38m-linux_aarch64.whl
    # 安装 megatron-core
    pip3 install --no-use-pep517 -e git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/Megatron-LM.git@23.05#egg=megatron-core
    # 安装 deepspeed 和 deepspeed_npu
    pip install deepspeed==0.9.2
    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/DeepSpeed.git -b v0.9.2 deepspeed_npu
    cd deepspeed_npu
    pip3 install -e ./
    cd ..
    # install other packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. 下载 LLaMA2-13B 的 预训练权重和词表

    git lfs install
    git clone https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/Llama-2-13b-hf

将权重从 huggingface 格式转化为 AscendSpeed 格式

# 修改 ascend-toolkit 路径
source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh

# 权重格式转换
python tools/ckpt_convert/llama/convert_weights_from_huggingface.py --input-model-dir ./llama-2-13b-hf \
                                                                    --output-model-dir ./llama-2-13b_tp8_pp1 \
                                                                    --tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
                                                                    --pipeline-model-parallel-size 1 \
                                                                    --type 13B 
  1. 预训练

4.1 准备数据集

下载 LLaMA2-13B 数据集

     # 下载数据
     mkdir dataset_llama2
     cd ./dataset_llama2
     wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca/resolve/main/data/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet
     cd ..

     # 处理数据                           
     python ./tools/preprocess_data.py \
       --input ./dataset_llama2/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet \
       --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama-2-13b-hf \
       --output-prefix ./dataset_llama2/alpaca \
       --workers 4 \
       --log-interval 1000 \
       --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF

4.2 用ptd模式预训练 配置LLaMA2-13B PTD 预训练脚本: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_13B_ptd_8p.sh

 # 设置 ascend-toolkit 路径
 source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 

 # 根据实际情况配置词表、数据集、模型参数加载和保存路径
 LOAD_CHECKPOINT_PATH="your init model load path"
 SAVE_CHECKPOINT_PATH="your model ckpt save path"
 TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama-2-13b-hf/  #词表路径
 DATA_PATH=./dataset_llama2/alpaca_text_document  #数据集路径

启动 LLaMA2-13B PTD预训练脚本: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_13B_ptd_8p.sh

 bash examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_13B_ptd_8p.sh
  1. 微调

    5.1 准备微调数据集
    下载微调数据集 这里

    # 下载数据集
    mkdir finetune_dataset
    cd ./finetune_dataset
    wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca/resolve/main/data/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet
    cd ..
    # 处理微调数据集                            
    python ./tools/preprocess_data.py \
      --input ./dataset_llama2/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet \
      --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama-2-13b-hf \
      --output-prefix ./finetune_dataset/alpaca \
      --workers 4 \
      --log-interval 1000 \
      --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF \
      --handler-name GeneralInstructionHandler \

    5.2 全参微调
    全参微调的配置脚本基本和预训练脚本pretrain_llama2_13B_ptd_8p.sh一致. 区别是数据集,以及增加训练参数--is-instruction-dataset

    --is-instruction-dataset \



LLaMA2-13B 在 昇腾芯片参考芯片 上的性能对比:

设备 模型 迭代数 样本吞吐 (samples/p/s) tokens吞吐 (tokens/s/p) 单步迭代时间 (s/step) 浮点计算数 (TFLOPs/s)
NPUs LLaMA2-13B 5000 2.736 1400.832 93.45 120.69
参考 LLaMA2-13B -- -- 1750 -- --


NPU vs 参考 loss NPU运行平稳,资源使用稳定,中间没有报错,Loss呈下降趋势,收敛速度符合预期。 精度满足要求。平均损耗的绝对误差为0.0011,小于0.5%。 NPU-LOSS


我们在Llama2 13B中支持AscendSpeed推理来生成文本。 推理不同于预训练,比如我们需要加载预训练检查点和输出样本的长度:

配置 LLaMA2-13B 推理脚本: examples/llama2/generate_llama2_13B_tp8_pp1.sh

# 修改模型权重路径以及词表路径
bash ./examples/llama2/generate_llama2_13B_tp8_pp1.sh

推理结果示例如下: llama2-13B-generate.png



    # 配置权重以及词表路径
bash tasks/evaluation/evaluate_llama2_13B_ptd.sh
任务 验证集 模型 昇腾值 社区值
Boolq Test Llama2 13B 0.824 0.824



LLaMA2-34B/70B 训练的硬件配置:

模型 硬件 配置
34B NPU 16 x Ascend NPUs
70B NPU 64 x Ascend NPUs


  1. 拷贝仓库到本地服务器:

    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/AscendSpeed.git 
    cd AscendSpeed 
    mkdir logs
  2. 搭建环境

    # python3.8
    conda create -n test python=3.8
    conda activate test
    # 按照 torch 和 torch_npu
    pip install torch-2.1.0-cp38-cp38m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
    pip install torch_npu-2.1.0.post4_XXXXXX-cp38-cp38m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
    pip install apex-0.1_ascend*-cp38-cp38m-linux_aarch64.whl
    # 安装 megatron-core
    pip install --no-use-pep517 -e git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/Megatron-LM.git@23.05#egg=megatron-core
    # 安装 deepspeed 和 deepspeed_npu
    pip install deepspeed==0.9.2
    git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/DeepSpeed.git -b v0.9.2 deepspeed_npu
    cd deepspeed_npu
    pip install -e ./
    cd ..
    # 安装其余依赖包
    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. 准备预训练权重和词表


    # 需要申请开放
    mkdir -p llama2-70b-hf
    cd llama2-70b-hf
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/config.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/generation_config.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00001-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00002-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00003-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00004-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00005-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00006-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00007-of-00015.bin   
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00008-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00009-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00010-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00011-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00012-of-00015.bin   
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00013-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00014-of-00015.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model-00015-of-00015.bin   
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/pytorch_model.bin.index.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/special_tokens_map.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer.model
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer_config.json
    cd ..

    LLaMA2-34B权重未开源,我们使用 CodeLlama-34B 的权重和LLaMA2-70B的词表.

    CodeLlama-34B 的权重下载here.

    mkdir -p codellama-34b-hf
    cd codellama-34b-hf
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/config.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/generation_config.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00001-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00002-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00003-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00004-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00005-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00006-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model-00007-of-00007.bin
    wget https://huggingface.co/codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf/resolve/main/pytorch_model.bin.index.json
    cd ..

    Llama-2-70B 的词表,下载here.

    # 需要申请开放
    mkdir -p llama2-70b-hf
    cd llama2-70b-hf
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/special_tokens_map.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer.json
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer.model
    wget https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf/blob/main/tokenizer_config.json
    cd ..


    # 配置 ascend-toolkit 路径
    source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh
    # 权重格式转换
    python $SCRIPT_PATH \
    --input-model-dir ./llama2-70b-hf/ \
    --output-model-dir ./load_ckpt \
    --tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
    --pipeline-model-parallel-size 8 \
    --make-vocab-size-divisible-by 8 \
    --merge-mlp \
    --type llama2-70B \
    --num_heads 64 \
    --num_kv_heads 8 \
    --hidden_size 8192 \
    --num_layers 80                                                                   


    # 配置 ascend-toolkit 路径
    source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh
    # 转换Ascendspeed权重
    python $SCRIPT_PATH \
    --input-model-dir ./codellama-34b-hf \
    --output-model-dir ./load_ckpt \
    --tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
    --pipeline-model-parallel-size 2 \
    --make-vocab-size-divisible-by 8 \
    --merge-mlp \
    --type llama2-34B \
    --num_heads 64 \
    --num_kv_heads 8 \
    --hidden_size 8192 \
    --num_layers 48                                                                   
  4. 准备数据集

    有两个数据集可以使用: Alpaca 和 Moss.

    1. Alpaca 数据集

      下载 Alpaca数据集

    # 下载数据集
    mkdir dataset_llama2
    cd ./dataset_llama2
    wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca/resolve/main/data/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet
    cd ..
    # 处理数据集                              
    python ./tools/preprocess_data.py \
    --input ./dataset_llama2/train-00000-of-00001-a09b74b3ef9c3b56.parquet \
    --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama2-70b-hf \
    --output-prefix ./dataset_llama2/alpaca \
    --workers 4 \
    --log-interval 1000 \
    --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF
    1. Moss 数据集

      下载 MOSS数据集

    # 下载数据集
    mkdir dataset_llama2
    cd ./dataset_llama2
    wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/fnlp/moss-003-sft-data/resolve/main/moss-003-sft-no-tools.jsonl.zip --no-check-certificate
    unzip moss-003-sft-no-tools.jsonl.zip
    cd ..
    # 处理数据集                              
    python tools/preprocess_data.py \
    --input ./dataset_llama2/moss-003-sft-no-tools.jsonl \
    --output-prefix ./dataset_llama2/moss \
    --tokenizer-type PretrainedFromHF \
    --tokenizer-name-or-path ./llama2-70b-hf \
    --tokenizer-not-use-fast \
    --handler-name MOSSInstructionHandler
  5. 配置预训练脚本

    LLaMA2-34B: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_34B_ptd.sh

    # 设置 ascend-toolkit 路径
    source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 
    # 配置词表,数据集等路径
    TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama2-70b-hf/   #词表路径
    DATA_PATH=./dataset_llama2/alpaca_text_document  #数据集路径

    LLaMA2-70B: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_70B_ptd.sh

    # 配置 ascend-toolkit 路径
    source /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh 
    # 配置相关路径
    TOKENIZER_PATH=./llama2-70b-hf/  #词表路径
    DATA_PATH=./dataset_llama2/alpaca_text_document  #数据集路径
  6. 启动训练脚本

    LLaMA2-34B: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_34B_ptd.sh

    bash examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_34B_ptd.sh

    LLaMA2-70B: examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_70B_ptd.sh

    bash examples/llama2/pretrain_llama2_70B_ptd.sh



LLaMA2-34B/70B 在 昇腾芯片参考芯片 上的性能对比

设备 模型 token吞吐率 (tokens/s/p)
NPUs LLaMA2-34B 690
参考 LLaMA2-34B 796
NPUs LLaMA2-70B 350
参考 LLaMA2-70B 339


LLaMA2-34B 8卡上12层模型 NPU vs 参考 loss.



NPU-LOSS and NPU-Relative-Error

LLaMA2-70B NPU vs 参考 loss.



NPU-LOSS and NPU-Relative-Error


NPU-LOSS and NPU-Absolute-Error





python $SCRIPT_PATH \
  --input-model-dir ./load_ckpt/release \
  --output-model-dir ./ptd_48lt8p1/ \
  --orig-vocab-size 32000 \
  --make-vocab-size-divisible-by 8 \
  --src-tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
  --src-pipeline-model-parallel-size 3 \
  --tgt-tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
  --tgt-pipeline-model-parallel-size 1 \
  --merge-mlp \
  --type 34B \
  --num-heads 64 \
  --num-kv-heads 8 \
  --hidden-size 8192 \
  --num-layers 48


python $SCRIPT_PATH \
  --input-model-dir ./load_ckpt/release \
  --output-model-dir ./ptd_80lt8p1/ \
  --orig-vocab-size 32000 \
  --make-vocab-size-divisible-by 8 \
  --src-tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
  --src-pipeline-model-parallel-size 8 \
  --tgt-tensor-model-parallel-size 8 \
  --tgt-pipeline-model-parallel-size 1 \
  --merge-mlp \
  --type 70B \
  --num-heads 64 \
  --num-kv-heads 8 \
  --hidden-size 8192 \
  --num-layers 80

我们支持使用 LLaMA2-34B/70B 进行文本生成的推理,我们需要加载预训练权重:




# 修改模型权重路径和分词器路径


bash ./examples/llama2/generate_llama2_34B_ptd.sh


bash ./examples/llama2/generate_llama2_70B_ptd.sh


=============== Greedy Search ================

how are you?


I am doing well. I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am happy to be here.
I am

Elapsed: 36.48s
================ Do Sample =================

how are you?

['is good?\nShaun, you’re a good writer. It is the truth, but the truth is also a matter of perspective. Is a matter of perspective. That is the matter. The matter is.\nThe matter.\nThe matter is.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'are you alive?  are you okay? can you help me? do you want to? are you done? does your girlfriend know? do you need help? can you get me one? do you want to go see a movie? are you going to the mall? are you okay? are you okay']

Elapsed: 50.4s
=============== Beam Search =================

how are you?


I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I've been busy with work and other things, but I'm doing well.
How about you?
I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I've been busy with work and other things, but I'm. I'm

Elapsed: 27.7s
======== Beam Search with sampling ==========

how are you?


How are you? is a common greeting in English.
It is used to ask about the other person's well-being. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as when meeting someone for the first time, or when greeting someone you haven't seen in a while.

Elapsed: 12.13s


=============== Greedy Search ================

how are you?

I hope you are fine. I am fine too.
I am writing to you because I want to tell you about my holidays.
I went to the seaside with my family. We stayed in a hotel.
We went to the beach every day. I played with my my my my my my my my my..
. . 0. .... my I was't' I

Elapsed: 60.25s

================ Do Sample =================

how are you?

long time, no hear.
I know! It has been far too long... I'm doing alright though, and yourself?
I've been doing pretty well!
Do you live in the US?
No, actually I'm in Australia... I think it would be fairly difficult to make it there.
Subject: I think.
 there? the time for subject...... Sub subject - subject the

Elapsed: 34.13s

=============== Beam Search =================

how are you?

I hope you are fine. I am fine too.
I am writing to you because I want to tell you about my holidays.
I went to the seaside with my family. We stayed in a hotel near the beach.
We went to the beach every day. We We We We We

Elapsed: 46.29s

======== Beam Search with sampling ==========

how are you?

I hope you are fine.
I would like to tell you that I have a problem with my account.
I have a problem with my account.
I have a problem with my account. I can't log in.
I have a problem with my account. I can't log in.


Elapsed: 48.53s


BoolQ数据集评估样例. 数据集here 下载Dev部分here 放在“boolq_dev”文件夹.




# 修改模型权重路径和分词器路径


bash tasks/evaluation/evaluate_llama2_34B_ptd.sh


bash tasks/evaluation/evaluate_llama2_70B_ptd.sh

BoolQ 数据集评估结果:

Task Subset Model NPU Benchmark
BoolQ dev Llama2-70b 0.858 (Llama2-70b test) 0.877
BoolQ dev Llama2-34b 0.651 (AquilaChat2-34B test) 0.571
使用模型资源和服务前,请您仔细阅读并理解透彻 《昇腾深度学习模型许可协议 3.0》